Kreese returns

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We got to the dojo and hawk and aisha were trying to figure out names for the newbies.

Hawk: "What do you think? Shit head 1 and shit head 2?"

Aisha: " I was thinking more Mary Kate and asshat."

Hawk started to laugh. I didn't really find it that funny but i faked laugh so i could fit in.

Chris: "Well im chris-"

Hawk: "Did i say you could speak?!"

Miguel came by us and started talking aswell.

Miguel: "Guys look their just messing with you. Besides everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag."

I decided to leave the conversation and to go in the back room and punch the punching bag since sensei was taking his sweet time to start class. While i was back there i could hear the door open i looked to see and it was this creepy old man? I saw that he saw me punching the bag and he came over to me.

?: "If you put your emotions and feelings into you fighting you could do damage kid."

"Yeah i was just warming up."

?: "Do you feel like your holding back?"

"Holding back how?"

?: "Holding back in your fighting, i saw you at the tournament. You only used your full potential when you knocked the kid out."

"Yeah i guess maybe I'm holding back, but i was just mad at that kid."

Johnny: "What are you doing here."

The old man looked at johnny and walked away to talk to him. I went back into the main room cause it looked like class was going to start.
Johnny: "This is mr Kreese, he's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here. Mr Diaz warm them up."

Miguel went to the front and started having us punch, until he did this weird side jab? I didn't do it because it wasn't funny. I could tell johnny was angry and embarrassed from kreese.

Johnny: "What was that."

Miguel: "Just having a little fun sensei."

Everyone was talking in the room it was hard to hear people.

Hawk: "Yeah and besides we already know how to kick ass."

"Do you?"

The whole room was silent and everyone was staring at me. I don't know where i get this random burst of confidence but I'm starting to like it. Johnny decided to break the silence.

Johnny: "5 am tomorrow. Ill give you all the address. If you don't show up your off the team.
We all grabbed our bags and started to leave but miguel and hawk stopped me.

Miguel: "What the hell was that luna?"

Hawk: "Yeah you've been kinda off since the tournament."

"I haven't been off. I have just been speaking my mind is that a problem?"

Hawk: "Uh no its just different and all, usually your quiet and you don't speak."

"Ok well I'm not mute, see you in the morning."

I walked away from them. I feel like maybe i was too mean but they need to know that I'm not just the quiet girl.
It was 5am and i'm so tired i only slept for 4 hours. I felt like my body was just going to fall off any second.

Johnny: "You think winning the all valley gives you the right to goof off? Well i got news for you, winning one championship don't mean squat. A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward, or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. Its like the cement in this truck. That drum doesn't start turning the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?"

Everyone: "No sensei!"

Johnny: "Good, then climb up get inside, and make it spin."

Im not gonna lie i'm kind of scared. What if i get stuck and cant move it or something. But i mean theres nothing to lose right?

"Ill do it."

I climbed up the ladder of the truck and stood at the top waiting for people to do it with me cause I'm not doing this shit alone.

Aisha: "Sensei were sorry for messing around."

Hawk: "We learned our lesson."

These pussies.

Johnny: "Get in! Luna is doing it no question asked thats how you should go into a fight."

Miguel: "Sensei this seems dangerous the fumes alone."

Kreese: "Quiet! This man led you to the mountaintop. you question him? Look at you. Look at all of you. I can't believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the valley and let alone won, it's an absolute miracle! Who's responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence. The best student in the history of cobra kai."

Hold up. I just realized something. I remember all the stories my dad used to tell me about cobra kai. Now hearing this guy speaking and how he speaks about johnny? I think this is The Kreese, The one that was johnny's teacher back then.

Kreese: "My student."

I was correct.

Hawk: "You were senseis, sensei?"

Kreese: "You better believe it kid. I tell you i never trained a tougher student in my life, so if you knows whats good for you. you better listen to every goddamn word he says."

Miguel: "Ill do it sensei."

Miguel came up with me so did hawk. I started to look in the truck at the cement.

Miguel: "Oh shit"

Once i stepped in i almost slipped i swear to god i wanted to punch this thing.

Johnny: "Don't just stand there wanna get stuck? Move!"

We had to make this thing spin. I honestly wanted to die. We were trying to move it and it was not budging.

"come on guys push!"

Maybe motivation will work. It was starting to spin a bit once we got the hang on it we could go faster. It was like we were hamsters spinning the wheel. Soon enough we were spinning it fast and cement was falling on our faces. We came out of the truck then everyone else went. After everyone was done we were all washing off. Johnny was spraying us with a hose of course.

Johnny: "I know I'm proud, your parents would be proud too if you told them what we did here today which we wont. You pushed forward like champions. Never stopping. Never being satisfied. Never giving up. And if you keep pushing and keep moving forward you're going to go to places you never even dreamed of."

Somehow sensei inspired me to be myself. To find myself. This was probably one of the best days of my life.
I got home and Sam was at the house.

Sam: "Hey luna i haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah i was avoiding you, all of you to be honest."

I just walked up the stairs and ignored sam i didn't really need her giving me this speech on how much she cares about me or something. I went down maybe an hour later for a snack and robby was sitting at the table with sam.

"Why is he here this late?"

Robby: "My home life isn't very well so mr larusso said i could stay here for a bit if thats okay?"
"Its fine, you don't bother me that much."

He honestly didn't. Miguel just hated him because he was hanging out with sam and everyone just hated him because of Miguel. The kid didn't really do anything wrong. I do feel bad that i hang out with his dad though.

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