ready for war

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i got home and i heard my dad scream my name already to come up stairs. When can i ever get a break. I get up to my room and he's holding my pack of cigarettes that i keep in my drawers.

"What the hell why are you snooping in my room?!"

Daniel: "I wasn't snooping you weren't home so i put you laundry away but then i found this so would you like to explain?"

"Its not that big of a deal dad."

Daniel: "Not that big of a deal? Now its cigarettes whats next your going to be smoking weed?!"

I didn't say anything cause i did have weed in my room but i never smoked it before its been sitting there for weeks.

Daniel: "Luna i swear to god if i find weed in this room."

He went searching my room through all my stuff and he opened my journal and there it was sitting there in a bag.

"Okay but i never smoked it!"

Daniel: "Yeah you your just waiting for a bad day to happen then smoke it? God Luna i give your privacy, freedom, money. What more do you want? Seriously Mr Miyagi said you would be trouble but i didn't think this bad."

"MR MIYAGI IS DEAD. He's not here im here dad! I wish you would just try to notice that im here!"

He was to stunned to speak. I felt bad about what i said about Mr Miyagi but its just facts.

Daniel: "You're grounded for a long time."

He walked out of my room shutting my door not saying anything. Why is my life so complicated.
I texted Kreese to let him know im grounded so i cant really come to practice. But i went to go ask my parents if i could go. I walked down stairs and they were both at the kitchen.


Amanda: "Whats up sweetie, what do you need?"

"I just wanted to ask if i could still go to practice even though im-"

Daniel: "Do you not know the definition of grounded?"

"I do but-"

Daniel: "No means no go back to your room."

"You cant keep me in my room forever dad! God why cant you guys just let me live for once. All i want to do is win the karate tournament and you wont even let me do that?"

Amanda: "Luna, your father said no so no means no-"


Daniel: "QUIET."

I was stunned, my dad has never screamed before. He looked more angry then he ever has been in his life.


It was quiet for about 10 seconds and my dad and i just kept staring at each other and he looks at me just like he looks at Johnny....

I nodded my head and left the room. I felt bad for screaming at my mom. Maybe i should be easier to raise. I mean i am kind of a handful. Ill just try to open up he's just trying to help. I mean he does love me he's my father.
I spent the past days thinking about what i was going to say to my dad. Ive been pretty quiet in my room that a couple times my mom thought i was dead, i found it amusing. Until i heard my door open and i looked and saw sam.

Sam: "Do you want to talk?"


She closed the door and sat on the end of the bed.

Sam: "Im sorry Luna i told dad about the cigarettes, he said he found it in the drawer but he was covering for me. I didn't think you would get in so much trouble and it was start a whole fight. I heard everything down stairs and i feel bad."

Sam closed her eyes she was getting ready for me to get pissed and scream.

"Its fine."

Sam: "What? your not mad."

"I mean i was but, you were just trying to help but its whatever."

Sam scooted closer to me and grabbed me into a hug.

Sam: "I love you sis."

I didn't say anything cause i felt nothing when she said that, i didn't feel happy, sad, or mad. I felt nothing. She left my room and i left it at that. The next day my mom comes into the room saying im ungrounded, finally. Not surprised my dad couldn't just tell me himself. A few hours later he was teaching a class at his dojo and i wanted to go apologize i know it was shitty timing while he was teaching but i needed to just let everything out.

I walked into the dojo and everyone gave me dirty looks on to why i was there. Sam just gave me a confused look. I saw the Eli was not in eagle fang anymore he's in Miyagi do im kind of surprised .

"Dad can we talk."

Daniel: "Im kind of in the middle of teaching luna."

"I know but i just want to talk about everything."

Daniel: "Lets talk about this later."

"I need to let everything out now-"

Daniel: "GOD. Can you just listen for once. I don't want to talk to you right now and i probably wont want to talk to you later, or tomorrow. You want to live so bad go get high and drunk and get laid i don't give a shit anymore. You Luna are not a Larusso. I don't know who you are but this is not my kid. I try so hard to get close with you but all you do it push me away, then get mad when i don't give you attention? You make it impossible to love someone like you?!!"

I was defeated..

I have never felt so much hatred towards me in my life..

Tears were sliding down my face. He looked at me like i wasn't even he's child.

"Im sorry...."

I walked away while i started to sob and i ran as far as i could away from his dojo. I feel so drained. Especially cause i was trying and they just don't understand. I had nowhere to go to where i would feel comfort. Eli was at Miyagi do. Miguel hates me. Sam loves my dad too much. Johnny feels like im a traitor. I guess i could go to only one other person.
I walked into the dojo and saw Terry in the back room i was still crying and once he saw me you could see the fear in his eyes.

Terry: "What happened?!"

I explained everything to him and he gave me a long hug.

Terry: "They will never understand you like i do Luna. They have knocked you down so many times i don't understand why you keep going back. Thats not a family. Im your family. Use this as motivation, don't let them see that your damaged. Show them that you don't give a fuck and your ready for war."

"Oh trust me, everyone innocent part of me that was still there. Is gone. I hope they are religious cause they are going to being praying to God when im done with them."

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now