"Your going to wish you never met me"

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A couple days later have been the same, still shitty like everyday. Im so confused, do i go back to cobra kai? I don't know what i want anymore. But i want power.
"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Sam: "Were going to fight cobra kai, im not taking their shit anymore!"

"WAIT HOLD UP....you cant just go in there looking for a fight that will end up bad for everybody."

Sam: "Aren't you suppose to be the rebellious one? Since when did you care about people getting hurt."

"Since Miguel was in a coma. Listen i know you want revenge or justice. But fighting is not going to do anything except make bigger problems."

Sam: "Your just protecting their asses aren't you?"

"I don't go to cobra kai anymore."

Sam: "So? Once your a cobra theres no turning back, you've always been a cobra just like Mr. Miyagi said."

She looked at me shocked and i was confused.

"What are you talking about...."

Sam: "Nothing i have to go, if you want to come then come. But im going with or without you."

I wasn't chasing her i mean what am i going to do. Until i got a text 5 minutes later from Demetri.

Demetri- "Please come we need your help."

God i hate helping people.
I get there and i see Demetri on the floor screaming after Hawk broke his arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! You think its cool to break kids arms?!"

Tory: "Jane, nice to see you again."

"Wish i could say the same, You cobras think your all that but your nothing."

Tory: "So you could take all of us?"

She laughed and all the cobras laughed.


Tory: "Alright bitch, bring it on. Ill give you another scar on the other side of your face."

I ran at her and punched her sending her to the ground. Two guys came at me and i dodged having them knock into eachothers heads. Assface came at me and i sent a kick to his stomach and another one into his face causing him fall. Tory comes at me and pulls my hair i take her arm and flip her over. While i was fighting all these people hawk was just standing there. Hawk didn't have it in him to fight me. I was fighting everyone else winning at the moment. I was actually taking all of them. Everyone from Miyagi do ran so i was alone. Some guys kicked me in the wall causing me to fall and they picked me up and put me in a choke hold.

Tory: "Your good, too good. Cobra kai is where you belong. Not with these freaks."

I spit into her face causing her to close her eyes in disgust.

"I don't need cobra kai to beat your ass."

She wiped her face off and got real close to my face.

Tory: "I wish you the best of luck Larusso."

They all left and i dropped to the floor. It felt like i was bleeding everywhere. Sam texted me to meet her at the hospital when i got there i saw my mom hugging Sam and they both looked at me shocked to see how bad i was beat up.

Amanda: "I thought you were done with karate?"

"Sometimes the karate comes to you."

She didn't even asked if i was okay or what happened. Fucking bitch.
I walked into school and saw Miguel i was surprised.

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now