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⚠️swear words, making out (really quick), hickey, gun⚠️

George woke up and turned to the other side of the bed putting his hand out. He hand touched the empty side of the bed, Clay wasn't there. George was stupid enough to even think Clay was spend the night there. George was left in bed by himself, left in his black sweatpants and shirtless. George groaned as he sat up, roaming his hands over his face.

"Clay we can't do this" George groaned as he laid down on the bed, Clay was on top of him still clothed.

"Who said we can't?" Clay smirked as his eyes turned blue, how was George supposed to deny those eyes.

George sighed and Clay attacked George's neck with kisses and nibbles. It drove him crazy how could he resist Clay. Clay lightly grazed his fangs over George's bare skin, it drew a bit blood.

George stopped thinking about last night and got out of bed and he headed to the bathroom. George turned on the light and looked his mirror. He wiped his eyes with his hands to make sure he was seeing right, and he definitely was. A small hickey was on George's neck, purple and bruised. George touched the mark and winced, his hands held the sink table as he looked in the bathroom mirror.

"Damnit George, you had one job to do" George said "Not let him get to you."

George analyzed the mark it was really recognizable "I'm gonna have to cover that."

George sighed and walked to the shower, he bet he smelled like Clay too. George needed to shower the Clay smell off him, and he also needed to shower anyways.

10 minutes later...

George pulled the shower curtain open, and he snatched the white towel that was on the hanger. George wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower. George walked towards the steamy mirror. George wiped the steam off the window and looked at the mark again. George roamed through the bathroom drawers and found a thing of foundation with a makeup brush. George grabbed the things and closed the drawers. George bought the foundation not to long ago, he would need it for reason. And this was the reason why.

George put the foundation on the brush and he dapped the brush on the mark. The foundation was his exact skin tone, matched perfectly. The mark was finally covered.

"Not bad" George said, then he put the stuff back.

George walked to his room and grabbed some clothes. He had to be at Clays house in a hour. George removed the towel as he put his boxers and jean on, then he put on a dark blue shirt. George quickly dried his hair than he threw the towel in the dirty clothes basket.

George grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet and headed downstairs. His dad was in the kitchen taking a sip of his coffee that was in his mug. Dave looked up as he saw George, he looked decent but tired.

"Rough night?" Dave asked.

"You have no idea Dad" George said as he grabbed his water bottle out of the fridge.

"I gotta go to Clays house, I will see you later" George said.

"Okay bye" Dave said.

"Bye Dad!" George yelled as he closed the front door behind him.

20 minutes later...

George opened the loft door and closed it behind him. Clay was at the table, reading a book. And Jessica was watching her show.

"Yo what's up George" Sapnap said coming down the stairs.

"Nothing much."

"Why do you smell like Clay?" Sapnap whispered as he sniffed George.

"Do I?" George asked.

"Yeah you reek of him" Sapnap whispered "George what did you do?"

"You should be asking Clay that question" George whispered softly.

"George why!" Sapnap said.

"Shhh, shhh" George shushed Sapnap.

Clay wasn't really reading a book, well he was earlier. He listened to George's and Sapnap's conversation, and smirked.

"Why, I thought you two broke up" Sapnap said.

"We did, well then he came to my house" George said.

"Are you serious?"

"Hey I showered like 6 different times okay, I tried my best" George groaned.

"Well you didn't do a good job at it" Sapnap said "Anyways I gotta go, I'm helping my mom with work."

"Okay bye" George said.

"Bye" Sapnap said as he left the house.

George looked at Clay then looked at Jessica. George walked towards Jessica and grabbed the remote, and he turned off the show.

"Hey what the fuck, I was watching that!" Jessica yelled as she looked at George.

"Too bad get up" George demanded.

"Your no fun" Jessica pouted as she stood up from the couch.

"Have you met Clay before?" George asked, and Clay rolled his eyes.

George and Jessica walked to the middle of the loft which was a few feet away from the couch. George pulled out his gun.

"What are we gonna do with that?" Jessica asked.

"Well since Jake barely trained you I'm gonna help you, my way" George said.

"Okay what do I have to do?" Jessica asked.

"A quick jab with a knife can kill someone faster than a bullet, so pretend I'm your enemy" George gave Jessica the gun.

"What do you have to do?" Jessica asked.

"I have to take the gun from your hand, your job is to try and stop me by touching the gun to my chest" George said "Can you do that?"


"Good, point the gun at me" George said.

Jessica pointed the gun at George, and took a step forward. As she took a step George took the gun for her hands.

"You were to slow" George said "Let me show you how your supposed to do it."

George pointed the gun at Jessica "Go on, take it."

Jessica reached out for the gun, then she realized the gun touched her chest.

"You were to slow, again" George said.

"That's no fair, give me a chance."

"There's no thing called chances in a gun fight, it's life or death" George said.

"Can Clay try? I wanna see him do it" Jessica asked and Clay looked up.

"Clay doesn't like guns" George said.

"Too bad, let me try" Clay set the book on the table and stood up, he walked over to the two.

"Fine, you know what to do" George sighed as he gave Clay the gun.

Clay pointed the gun at George. George stood there for a second then he gripped the gun, but he failed. The gun touched his chest, right over his heart. Clay smirked and he leaned to George's ear.

"Bang" Clay whispered.

"Thats cheating" George said, and Clay removed his head from George's ear looking at him.

"You said that the gun had to touch you, so technically he didn't cheat" Jessica said.

"Let him train you then" George said as grabbed the gun from Clay, he put the gun in his belt that a gun holder connected too.

"I gotta gotta go, catch you guys later" George opened the loft door and left the place.

He almost let Clay get to him again...

1200 words :)

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