349 14 11

⚠️swear words, mention of death, slightly rape, blood, knife⚠️

The pack was downstairs doing own thing, since Hera hasn't done anything yet. She may be on the loose by Persephone is on their side, and Athena is locked in the upstairs closet knocked the shit out of her.

George was reading a book, for once there were no cases. Clay was playing with a fake knife, the fake knife with the green blade. Drista, Persephone, and Sapnap were playing poker.

Sapnap threw his cards onto the table and took the money pile "Hahaha I get all your shit!"

"No fair" Drista said "This shit is rigged."

"Boohoo cracker" Sapnap said as he counted his money, that he earned.

"I still think you could've done better" Clay said spinning the dull blade around.

"How would you know?"

"You won from a two pair, you could've won by a royal flush" Clay said "It was a stupid move Sapnap."

"Someone knows how to gamble" George said.

"I play with Drista all the time" Clay said.

"But he's nice enough to give me all the money back" Drista said "So really I'm the real winner."

"No you aren't."

"Clay may give you all the money but this money is mine, mine, mine" Sapnap said.

"Hey it's fair play" Persephone said.

"True, and you barely played" Drista said.

"Well that's because it was my first time"

"I can teach you" Drista said.

"Or I can" Clay said.

"Your competitive" Drista said.

"And your dumb."

"You know let's settle this, you and me right now" Drista said as she started to mix the cards.

Clay walked over to Drista "Fine."

Clay pulled out his wallet and dropped a hundred bill in the middle of the table, and he sat down.

"That's not how you mix cards" Clay grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them "properly."

George watched carefully how Clay shuffled the card. They were beautifully shuffled card by card. He then put both stacks into one, and started to set up the game.

Drista got her five cards and the older male gave himself five cards.

"Wanna be the dealer dumbass?" Clay grabbed his cards as he looked at Sapnap.

Sapnap groaned "That's not my name, but fine."

Sapnap grabbed the big deck and did his part as the dealer. And the game began...


"I win" Clay said placing down his five cards as he stood up "A royal flush."

"Whatever" Drista said.

Clay handed Drista the hundred bill "Do better."

Drista scoffed "Rude, thanks for the money."

"Your welcome" Clay said, as he put his wallet in his pocket "And that's how you really win Sapnap."

"Whatever" Sapnap rolled his eyes in annoyance "I don't care."

"I know you don't, but now you know how to be better" Clay said "And not suck, like how you did last round."

"It takes some time also Clay" George said.

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