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⚠️swear words, mention of death⚠️

"Wait you'll help us?" Sapnap said.

"Yes I will, what do you need to know?" Athena said.

"Why are you just gonna help us out?, We just met."

"My coven abandoned me, I want revenge" Athena said "And revenge, is my my middle name."

"Okay tell us what we're going up against" George said.

"Okay there's 3 witches and their all sisters, including me" Athena said "I'm sure you already know what we're called, we're famous these days."

"And minus you there's two witches left" George said.

"Correct, and there looking for a leader or what you guys call it is a Alpha you know the one who leads the pack" Athena said "We are the same."

"But Clay isn't an Alpha anymore, so why do they need him specifically?" George asked.

"They want him to lead our coven well now their coven since I'm with you guys."

"What do you mean lead the coven?" Drista asked, it was obvious she didn't like this witch.

"They want him to become a witch because their coven leader died, also known as our oldest sister" Athena said.

"Our eldest sister is a powerful witch, and if Clay has this power. Warlington is a go show, hell would be coming to earth."

"Would he still be a werewolf with this power?" Drista asked.

"Yes he would with his werewolf transformation he has now, mixed with our witch powers" Athena said "He could most likely be unstoppable."

"How long does it take to give the power to him?" Jessica asked.

"Less than a minute, all that they have to do is give him a little shot and that's it."

"Oh no" Sapnap whispered.

"Yeah oh no, and sorry about your friend" Athena pointed at Jake that was snoring on the floor.

"It's fine, it's nice hearing him shut up for a little bit" Drista said "But the snoring is still annoying."

"Back on topic" George sighed "How can we get Clay back, without the witch power?"

"You can't, that's all on him."

"What do you mean?" Drista asked.

"You guys can't do anything, he has to fight it on his own" Athena said.

"But we try" Sapnap said.

"I can tell you right now, if you try you'll get yourselves killed."

"How do we know that we can trust you?" George asked.

"Did I or did I not just tell you all the information you guys needed to know?" Athena asked.

"That is true" Sapnap said.

"Your the Alpha aren't you?" Athena asked as she pointed at Sapnap.

"Yeah I am, you got a problem with that?"

"No not really, I just didn't expect you to be the Alpha."

"Sapnap is the Alpha, but Clay acts like the Alpha" George said "It can be confusing to some people."

"Oh I'm not confused" She said her voice completely changed like a loving tone "But good to know, what's your name?" Athena asked as she walked towards George.

"It's George."

"Pleasure to meet you, George the ice phoenix" Athena said as she shook George's hand elegantly "It has a good ring to it."

"Okay back off sister sister" Jessica lightly pushed Athena away from George, clearly she was try to get her hand all over George.

"How did you know I'm an ice phoenix?"
George asked.

"I just have a sense, did you know ice phoenix's are rare in many ways" Athena smirked.

"Okay that's enough, I-" Drista got interrupted by a ring on her phone.

"I think you might wanna get that" Athena said as she stared at George with her mismatched eyes.

Drista growled at her and grabbed her phone "It's a voicemail."

"Well play it" Sapnap said, and Drista pressed play.

"Hey little sis, it's Clay" Clay said through the phone, and everyone's heart dropped in shock. Clay wasn't taken?

"I'm leaving Warlington you guys will be fine without me, I left a present for you at the old house I hope you like it" Clay said through the phone, he definitely sound like he meant it.

"I guess I should explain myself I didn't get taken, the past few hours I've been at our childhood home" Clay said "I found a lot of random stuff that survived the fire, you'll just see for yourself if you choose to go to the house."

"I hope you understand why I have to leave, it's for your own good it's for everyone's own good. And don't come looking for me I'll go further away every step you come closer" Clay said "Sapnap we'll be a great Alpha he'll look after you guys, even when he can be a complete dumbass."

Clay chuckled through the phone, and the chuckling stopped after a little while then there was sniffing "I love you Drista."

"And before I go, tell George I-" Clay said then there was a bang and guns started firing, and the voicemail ended.

"That's it?" Drista said.

"No it can't be the end, tell me what?" George asked.

"I don't know George" Sapnap said and everyone looked at him.

"Those were gunshots, the coven got him now" Athena said, and everyone looked at her.


It was nighttime. Athena got to sleep at Clays house, no one wasn't sure if she could be trusted but they kept her around. Everyone fell asleep devastated after the news. George went back to his house with his dad and fell asleep, thinking of Clay. He wasn't gonna stop thinking about Clay. But the pack wasn't gonna give up, they were gonna look for Clay starting at the old Smith house. They weren't gonna give up on Clay just yet, he's the real Alpha of the pack. Doesn't matter the color of his eyes he's the Alpha, the leader, the protector. He's the chosen one.

George's phone made a little beep like he got a voicemail, but he was fast asleep so he didn't hear it. George was a deep sleeper, he could sleep through anything. Sometimes he sleeps through his alarm, which is really annoying and loud.  The real question is-

10 hours later...

"Who would be leaving a voicemail at  3AM?" Sapnap asked.

"I don't know" George said.

"Well what are you waiting for play the voicemail" Drista said "It could be about Clay."

"Be quiet, let the pretty boy talk" Athena said.

"Here I'll play it" George said, and Drista smirked and Athena rolled her eyes.

George played the voicemail...

"Hello George" A duo of voices said "It's the coven of phoenix fire."

"We have your precious Clay, he's one of us now" The two people said.

"We don't Athena anymore your welcome to have her, she's weak and pathetic now" One of them said "And she not useful to the team, but your precious Clay is a perfect fit."

"We're gonna give you 1 day to prepare, and prepare for what you may ask" The other one said.

"We're coming for you all, with your precious Clay" They said "I'm sure you'll be excited to see him."

"You guys have one day to prepare, then we're coming for you all."

The voicemail ended and they all looked at each other...

1201 words :)

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