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⚠️swear words, mention of suicide⚠️

"All in favor for George to go follow Athena, without protection" Sapnap said.

"I!" George said raising his hand, he was the only one.

"All in favor for George to follow Athena, with protection" Sapnap said, and everyone raised their hand except.

"Oh my fucking god" George groaned.

There was a debate going on between George and the rest of the pack. George wanted to follow Athena all by himself, but the pack didn't want he too.

"George you still can bleed even if your an ice phoenix, someone has to come with you" Sapnap said.

"And who will that be?" George crossed his arms in attitude.

"Hmm, what about Clay?" Sapnap said.

"Yeah!" Jake yelled "I mean, yeah C-Clay should go."

"What does everyone else think?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah sure" Everyone said.

"Then it's decided."

"How exciting" George said sarcastically, and Clay looked at him.

"What time are you guys gonna leave?" Dave asked.

"3 in the morning, unless George needs his beauty sleep" Clay said.

"3 is fine, meetup at my house?"

"I'll be there" Clay said.

"Okay, don't be late" George wrapped his bag around his shoulder.

"I won't."


George walked up the stairs to his room and be closed it, he then tossed his work bag onto his bed. He put his phone up to his ear and let it ring.

"Hi George" A woman said through the phone.

"Hi Aunt Colleen, how have you've been?"

"Good, what about you?" George asked.

"I've been good your uncle keeps driving me nuts though" Colleen chuckled.

"We'll you know he is filled with jokes" George chuckled with her.

"Yeas indeed."

"I have question" George said.

"Go ahead."

"For a case I'm doing it's in Brighton, I was wondering if me and a friend can-"

"Of course you guys can stay here, how long will you two be staying?" Colleen asked.

"About two days, we're leaving at 3am."

"Okay" His aunt said "I can't wait to see you it's been a while."

"It has, I can't wait to see you too" George said.

"Now who is this friend we're talking about?"

"Someone your familiar with" George said.

"Mhm, okay" Colleen said.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"No problem" Colleen said "Although I love to continue this conversation I have to go your uncle wants to take me somewhere."

"Okay, well have fun" George said "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye George" His Aunt said.

"Bye" George hung up the phone.

George lightly threw his phone on the bed, and he grabbed his glasses and he put them on. He unbuttoned his shirt one by one, but stopped when he heard his window open.

George sighed "What do you want Clay?"

"How did you-"

"I'm getting used to you coming through my window every day" George said still facing the wall then he continued to unbutton his shirt.

"It's not every-" Clay stopped when he saw George take off the shirt.

"It's not every what?" George turned around, there was a big scar on his side.

"What happened?" Clay analyzed the scar.

"It's nothing" George said, his heart was steady. He got used to lying around werewolves since he's around them often.

"No it's not George,"

"Clay I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me anymore" George said "Your not my boyfriend anymore."

George grabbed a shirt and he put it on, then he stopped when he heard Clay say something.

"But I still need to know that your okay."

"Well I'm fine, okay now it's done with" George said.

"I'll see you later, George."

When George turned around, Clay was gone. Thoughts were scribbled in his mind, was I too harsh?

9 hours later...

Clay didn't go to sleep at all. He didn't care anyways, that was the last thing he would think about. Clay already had his bag packed, he put it around his shoulder. Seconds later he left the loft, it wasn't gonna be a long trip.

George started to pack the car with his things, he was still tired. George saw a figure walk towards him he already knew who it was.

"Here let me take care of it, get it the car."

George nodded so he figured Clay would drive. George hopped into the passenger seat, and eventually he heard the trunk close shut. A few minute later Clay got into the car starting it. George got more and more tired, and he fell asleep.

Clays eyes were on the road, driving to the airport. He got stopped at a red light so he looked to the side. He noticed George was sleeping, he wasn't gonna wake him up now but he would have to later. The light flashed green and Clay continued to drive, his eyes were off George. He enjoyed nighttime, not just because he's a werewolf. It's because the pretty town lights, its a beautiful sight.

1 hour later...

He parked the car, and looked beside him. The brunette was still asleep, but they were at the airport. Clay got out of the car and closed it, he walked to the other side. He opened the door, he tapped on George's hand with his middle and ring finger.

"George, we're here" Clay whispered "George."

Clays head ducked in the car, and he turned George on his back since his back was facing Clay. George started wake up.

"What do you want Clay?"

"We're here" Clay said.

"We're here?" George asked.

"Yeah, at the airport" Clay said.

"Oh" George yawned "Okay."

George sat up and got out of the car, and shut the door behind him. Clay was kind enough to carry both of their bags, it's not like he feels the weight anyways.

A hour later George and Clay were in their seats. George was the one that got a good view of outside. Clay just sat there reading a book George probably have read already. Clay read the words carefully, he was invested in the book.

Clay stopped reading because he felt weight on his shoulder. He looked to the side, George was lightly snoring. Clay was fine with it, he knew George was tired.

"Goodnight George" Clay closed his book, and he shut his eyes.

1044 words :)

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