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⚠️swear words, mention of death⚠️

Sapnap and George sleeping upstairs in the loft, while Persephone and Drista were on watch duty. Persephone and Drista watched Clay, he was still on the table in a coma.

"Do you think he will wake up?" Drista asked.

"Yeah, he has to."

"But if he doesn't?" Drista asked.

"Let's not think of that right now, it's only been 3 days" Persephone said.

Drista and Persephone stopped looking at each other when they heard chains rattling. Now there was yelling.

"Let me go!"

"Leave me alone!"

"It's all my fault!" Clay yelled, he was awake.

George and Sapnap rushed down the stairs, as Persephone let go of the chains so Clay could sit up. The chains dropped to the floor, and Clay continued to scream. Tears were ready to fall.

"Clay!" Drista grabbed Clays arm "Clay!"

Clay stopped yelling when he saw Drista, and he felt Dristas hand on his arm "No this isn't real."

"Clay, it's real" Drista said.

Clay looked carefully at Drista "It's real."

He panted in relief and he looked down, he let his legs hand from the table. But since he was tall they didn't really hang. His hands dropped to the edge of the table, as he panted.

"How long have I been out for?" Clay asked.

"3 days" George said.

"Had anything changed?"

"No" Sapnap said "You missed nothing man."

"Now that your awake it gonna take a little bit for eyes color to possibly change or not" Persephone said.

"Okay fine, at least I'm not in that hell hole" Clay hopped off the table, walking past Persephone and stopped when Persephone said something.

"What did you see anyways?" Persephone asked.


"I-I will see you guys later" George said and left the loft out of the sudden.

"Is he okay?" Drista asked.

"He was fine, I don't know but he seems off" Sapnap said.

"I'll be upstairs" Clay said as he headed upstairs, he was already tired of Sapnap's bickering for the day.

"Somethings up" Persephone said "I can sense it."

"Between those two?" Sapnap asked, and Persephone nodded.

"Oh well that isn't new, they did date for a few months and adopted a kid" Sapnap said.

"Shut up" Drista said.

"I'm only telling the truth."

"I need to be honest with you guys" Persephone said "I didn't wanna tell Clay but-"

"When he was in that coma, he had to face his biggest fear" Persephone said.

"That's why he was yelling" Sapnap said "What do you think he saw?"

"I don't know" Drista said, but she did know. Sapnap couldn't tell she was lying because the Smiths always have one thing in common, there all good at lying.

"Clay having a fear, that's new" Sapnap said  "He's never really scared of anything or anyone."

"A wise man once told me, everyone has fear of something" Persephone said "Even if their a hero at heart."

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