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⚠️swear words, blood⚠️

It was bright outside. Sun was out, birds were singing. George opened his eyes and winced at the bright sun, and he sat up. He looked besides him and there was the blonde he loved. It was the day after Katherine's death, George remembered everything. The brunette stood up and walked around the bed, the next step he took glass was in his foot. He forgot glass was in the floor.

"Ow" George whispered softly, trying not to wake up the wolf "Damn it."

George's heart skipped a beat when he got lifted off the ground. The wolf carried him to the side of the bed and sat him there.

"Stay here" Clay said.

The blonde got onto the the bed and went to the other side, walking to the bathroom. A minute later he came back onto the bed, going to the other side. Clay got onto one knee in front of George. He had the supplies for George's.

"Clay I'm fine, go back to sleep."

"Says the person who has glass in their foot" Clay said.

Clay lifted George's foot and his claws grew. He carefully grabbed the bloody glass in his foot and removed it. The blonde then placed a band-aid on the bottom of George's foot.


Clay stood up and started to sweep the glass off the floor...

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" George said.

"It's fine, are you okay?" Clay asked throwing the glass pieces in the trash.

"Yeah" George said.

Clay walked towards George and reached his hands out, George grabbed it. He then helped George stand up. The brunette looked at the blondes eyes, his eyes were still teary.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, you looked tired" George's hand touched Clays arm.

Clay nodded "Okay."

Clay then went back to bed, and George walked out of the room going downstairs. The brunette reached the downstairs and made himself some coffee.

"Morning" Drista said.

"How are you doing?" George asked.

"I'm okay, I'll have to get over it sometime" Drista said "How's Clay?"

"Miserable at first, but I don't know right now" George said.

"What happened to your foot?"


George looked at the couch and there was Jessica and Persephone. And the loft door opened, it was Sapnap.

"Morning Gogs" Sapnap said.

"Morning" George said as he took a sip of he coffee.

George sat his coffee down and he then sat in his office chair. Once he sat in it a big confetti canon went boom, George screamed at the loud noise.

Clay went back asleep for a good few minutes, until he heard a scream it was George's. Clay got out of bed and opened the door, and he ran downstairs after he put on a shirt.

George stood back up from the chair and heard someone run downstairs.

"Happy birthday George!" Sapnap yelled.

"Oh my god" Clay growled.

Everyone was awake, and George looked at Clay. The blonde fell to the floor and the wall supported him, and then covered his face. One leg was up and the other was flat on the floor. Clays hands flew away from his face and he looked at Sapnap and pointed at him.

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