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⚠️swear words, mention of murder⚠️

George sat his dads desk looking at all the recent situations that has happened, all of the cases have been about witches and murders. It was the middle of the night, and George was still awake. George was a hard worker, he never gave up. George's phone started to ring, he dropped everything onto the desk and picked up his phone. A smile immediately flew onto George's face when he saw the contact 'Asher💖' calling him.

"Hi honey" George put the phone to his ear and stood up.

"Hi Dada, I miss you" Asher said through the phone.

"I miss you too, how is it with uncle Karl?" George asked.

"It's good, he let me have strawberry ice cream with whipped cream" Asher giggled.

"That sounds yummy" George chuckled as a tear dropped down his face.

"It was, when will I get to see you and Dad again?"

"Um soon, I promise" George said as he walked around the house "Okay?"

"Okay Dada" Asher said softly.

"What are you doing up this late?" George asked.

"I couldn't sleep without saying goodnight" Asher said.

"Aww I miss you too much, I promise I am never gonna let you leave ever again once everything gets back to normal."

"Okay" Asher said.

George gotten startled by a knock at the door, it was midnight who could be knocking at the door? George walked to the door and opened it, there was Clay.

"Hey honey, I have to go" George said as he stared at Clay.

"Okay goodnight Dada."

"Goodnight Asher" George said softly then he hung up the phone.

George store at Clay for a second then walked away from the door. Clay walked inside the house and closed the door behind him softly. George walked back into the office and set his phone on the desk.

"How's Asher?" Clay asked.

"He's good, he misses you" George said "You should call him."

"I will."

"Why are you here Clay?" George asked as he turned around.

"Too see you" Clay walked closer to George.


Clay walked closer to George, and George stepped back. George continued to walk back until he hit the desk, he couldn't gone anywhere. He was trapped.


Clays warm hands landed on George's waist. Clays green eyes stared George down to his grave, he was so intimidating. He listening to George's heart pace faster and faster, his breathing went faster.

"Clay" George whispered.

Clay and George stood there, looking at each other. The silence was loud, the talking was short. The tension between the two was unexplainable, but they were inseparable. George didn't know if he was doing the right thing or the wrong thing. George felt Clays grip tighten a little more, he felt safe.

Clay lean forward lightly touching his lips to George's. Clay and George closed their eyes in pleasure, but something was wrong. Clay felt a hand touch his chest and lightly push him back.

"Clay, we can't" George said "You know we can't."

Clay looked down and closed his eyes lightly, hiding his tears. Only if he hadn't broke up with George...

"I get it" Clay said softly.

Clay opened his eyes and grabbing George's hand and dropped it to the brunettes side.

"Goodbye George" Clay said and he started to walk away.

"I'm sorry" George said, and Clay stopped.

Clay turned his head but stopped before he could see George "It's okay, I understand."

George watched Clay turn back in front of him and walked away. George saw him open the door and stop, then a minute later he was gone. He closed the door behind him.

George felt tears roaming down his face. George never felt so hurt, he never felt so much pain before. George covered his face with his hands, sobbing.

"Damn it!" George cried as he wiped the desk clean, all the hours of work he had worked on ended up on the floor.


Clay left George's house, he made a mistake a big one. Clay heard sobbing and stopped, he wanted to turn back but he couldn't. Clay continued to walk away, he was hurt. All these negative motions he had blamed himself, it was his fault.

"Damn it!" George echoed in Clays ears, then there was a big crash and the crying continued.

Clay wasn't a emotional person because he's dealt with pain but, this hurt like hell. Clay remembered the first time he told George he was his siren. The jail cells, the pain he felt, the loss of not seeing George in a year. But it was what George wanted, he had to respect that. George would find someone new eventually, he would be happy without Clay.

Maybe everybody would be happy without Clay...

8 hours later...

George got woken up to his phone ringing, George grabbed it. The all the memories flooded back fro yesterday, how Clay left.

"Hello?" George said as he put the phone to his ear.

"George get to the loft quick it's Clay!" Drista yelled through the phone.

George's heart dropped, and he hung up the phone. He rushed clothes on and grabbed his key and phone and rushed out of the house. Something was wrong, he kept asking himself questions on what was going on with Clay. George got into his car and started it, but then his car turned off. He was out of gas.

"Fuck!" George said as he got out of the car and slammed the door, he just ran to Clays house instead.

George was a fast runner, he needed to be at Clays house. In a blink of an eye he was at Clays house, how long has he been running. It didn't matter George rushed inside the building and unlocked the loft door.

Everyone stared at George, everyone was basically there. Sapnap looked hurt, Drista had tears in her eyes, and Jake and Jessica looked like something happened.

"Oh George" Drista cried as she ran to George.

"What happened?" George asked.

"It's Clay, he's gone" Sapnap said.

"What?" George said.

"I'm so sorry George" Drista hugged George, he let her hug him but he stood there.

"What?" George said as his voice broke.

1037 words :)

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