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⚠️swear words, mention of death⚠️

The blonde male woke up to the noise of a car beeping. He sat up and saw the sleeping brunette beside him, Clay quickly got out of bed and looked through the blinds. He watched the blonde female walk up to the house.

"Clay, what are you doing?" The male in his bed asked.

"Nothing go back to sleep George" Clay said "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Clay?" George said.

"What?" Clay looked at George.

"Who's here?" George asked.

"Nobody, go back to sleep" Clay kissed George.

The blonde male quickly put a shirt on, but he kept his black sweatpants on. George watched Clay leave the room, and he sat up and slowly followed. Clay opened Drista's room door she wasn't there, and someone then knocked at the door.

"Don't worry Clay I'll get it."

Clay immediately ran down the stairs, and George walked out of the bedroom door. Once the blonde got downstairs the younger blonde female had already opened the door.

"Mom?" Drista said.

The woman in front of her gasped "Drista?"

George arrived downstairs and saw the older female, that's Clays mom?

She looked 30 but based off how old Clay is she was way older, she aged like fine wine. She looked exactly like Clay, same shade of hair as Clay. Her dirty blonde streaks complimented her eyes like how Clays did.

"Hello Clay."

"Drista you may wanna hear her out, but don't involve me in it" Clay said "I have nothing to say to her, not a single word."

The blonde male put on his shoes, and a sweatshirt "I'll see you guys later."

He walked past Drista and his mom put her hand on his arm "Wait Clay-"

He shrugged his arm away "Don't touch me."

"Clay wait" George ran after Clay.

George tried to run after Clay but he was gone in a blink of an eye. And started to walk back to the loft. The brunette opened the loft door, and there was Drista making tea and her mom looking.

"I tried to catch him" George closed the loft door "Im sorry."

"Oh- it's fine" Clays mom said "I know how he is."

But do you? you haven't seen him in years...

"Im sorry, who are you?" She asked.

George looked at her "Sorry my apologies, I'm George nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Im Katherine."

He shook her hand, she immediately noticed the ring.

"I know who you are, I've heard stuff about you" George said.

"What a beautiful ring, so who's the lucky lady?" She asked.

"Lucky guy actually" George said.

"It's Clay mom, George is his fiancé" Drista said happily.

"Oh my, I had no idea."

Yeah, you weren't there for him for most of his life. George thought.

"When's the wedding?" She asked.

"We don't know yet he proposed not long ago, for god's sakes I haven't gotten him a ring yet."

She chuckled "So tell me, how is my son?"

"He's good, happy for sure" George said "Things been rough for him for a little bit, and he tends to ignore the people he loves most."

"But he's working on it, you have a great son and daughter" George said.

"How long have you've my son?" She asked.

"We'll I've know Clay for more than two years, and your daughter I've also known for two years" George said "But I've known Clay longer by a few weeks."

"And Drista, I thought you were gone" Katherine said.

"And I thought you were dead" Drista said "But I gotten taken for a while but Clay and George actually saved me."

"They did?"

A phone started ring and George picked it up, and he jumped when he heard a voice.

"No worries I got it George" Katherine said and picked up the phone "I'll be back."

She didn't answer the phone until she left the building.

"Why would she leave the whole building just to answer a call?"

"I don't know" Drista said.

5 minutes later...

Clays mom entered the loft again "I'm sorry you two but I have to get going.

"So soon?" Drista asked.

"Unfortunately yes."

"Uh okay no worries, maybe next week we can catch up" Drista said.

"I'm not so sure about next week."

"Well soon?" Drista asked.

"Yeah sure, of course" Katherine said "Just I have work to do."

"No worries, I understand as sheriff."

"A sheriff?" Katherine said.

"Yeah mom, George is a sheriff" Drista smiled.

"Is your Dad, Dave Davidson?"

"Yeah he is" George said.

"I never knew Dave had a werewolf son" Katherine said.

"I'm not a werewolf, I'm an ice phoenix but I'm mostly human."

"Clay is in love with a human?" She said "I-I have to go."

She left the place, by running out the door. George didn't wanna tell anyone but he was pretty sure, something was wrong but he didn't know what. But he was gonna figure it out.

"Did I say something wrong?" George asked.

"I don't know."

"Is it like forbidden for a werewolf to love a human?" George asked.

"I've heard it before but I don't know if she believes in it, ask Clay."

Later that day Clay arrived home, late. Everyone had already been asleep in their own beds. Clay walked his room, and carefully opened the door then closed it behind him. He took off his shoes carefully and he took of his shirt, trying not to wake up the brunette he loved. He leaned over the brunette as his hand supported him, then he kissed George head.

"I love you, goodnight."

George was awake the whole time, but his eyes were shut. He felt someone kiss his head, he felt safe to sleep now that Clay was there. George listened to what Clay said he had the urge to smile silly and giggle. He didn't.

Clay got off the bed and walked around the bed and sat down. His elbows were on his knees, and he sighed. The blondes hand roamed through his hair and lightly tugged. George knew it was a rough night for Clay.

But he would get through it quickly...

1034 words :)

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