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⚠️swear words⚠️

Based off what Dave said to Clay, it has been a day since Clay got arrested. Clay saw a person come into the room, it was some deputy.

He unlocked the cell "Your free to go, and sheriff wants to see you in his office."

Clay nodded and left the cell, heading to the sheriffs office. He knocked on the door and he heard someone say come in.

"I told you I would find a way."

"But how?" Clay asked.

"They found out he had no evidence, it was all fake."

Clay looked at Dave "Take this."

Dave gave Clay a dark blue box, Clay looked at Dave "Are you sure?"

"You better send me videos."

Clay chuckled and grabbed the box "I will."

"Also it's raining do you want me to drive to back."

"No I'll be fine" Clay said "Goodbye Dave."

"Wish you luck" Dave said patting on Clays shoulder.

Clay left the room...


The pack was just sitting down in the loft...

"I'm gonna go get the mail" George said standing up.

"Okay George" Sapnap said.

George left the loft, grabbing an umbrella since it was a heavy pour. Once he was outside he opened the black umbrella, then walked to the mail box by following the side walk. And he looked up, his heart dropped...

Asher looked outside the window "It's Dad, Dads back!"

Everyone looked outside the window and there was Clay and George. Drista grabbed an umbrella and the tree went outside, they all stood a few feet behind George. Asher went running towards them but Drista stopped him.

"Asher come here sweetie."

Asher stood by Drista and Sapnap, under the umbrella watching.

George watched Clay get soaked in the rain, while George was under an umbrella.

"What are you just gonna stand there and look stupid or are you gonna get over here and say hi" Clay yelled as he chuckled.

George thought about it for a little and he closed the umbrella and lightly put it on the ground. He immediately ran over and jumped into Clays arms, he cried into Clays shoulder.

"Hi" Clay whispered into George's ear "Miss me?"

"Shut up" George cried into Clays shoulder.

"I missed you too, don't worry."

Clay stepped back a bit and reached into his leather jacket and pulled out the blue box, he roamed his hand through hair in the rain. He sighed and got down on one knee.

Drista gasped and handed Sapnap the umbrella, she immediately pulled out her phone pressing record.

George had no idea what Clay was doing "Clay what are you doing?"

"Listen I'm not a romantic, but I guess I love you that much" Clay said as he opened the box, it was a ring with a blue gem.

George knew what was going on, the thought hit him like a bunch of bricks.

"You know what" Clay stood up "I love you too much that I don't even know what to say."

"And because I never was familiar with love until I met you" Clay said hovering over George cause he was so tall as they both got rained on.

"So George Henry Davidson" Clay said with confidence "Will you marry me?!"

Everyone waited on George's response, the silence was loud. Clay didn't know what to do so he looked down.


Clay raised his head and looked at George "What?"

"Yes Clay, I'll marry you" George chuckled.

Clay was shocked for once in his life, he then put the ring on George's ring finger and kissed his hand. Clay smiled.

George got on his tip toes and held the back on Clay neck with his right hand and kissed him. Clays hands moved to George's hips, and smirked into the kiss.

Sapnap covered Ashers eyes "Not today buddy."

Clay knew he was obsessed with this man, even if he was practically human. He was his siren...

The blonde backed away and saw tears coming out of George's eyes "Are you crying?"

"What else am I supposed to do, first you get out of jail then after you immediately propose!" George said covering his face.

Clay chuckled and hugged him "Oh George I love you."

"I love you too" George said quietly then he looked at Clay "Wait does my dad know?"

"Yes he does."

"Did you guys know?" George looked at the three behind him.

"They didn't know either" Clay said.

"Me, me, I did" Asher said "I found the ring in your desk."

Clay looked at Asher and looked at George.

"Was it actually in your desk?" George asked.

"Yeah" Clay whispered "Not something I'm proud of."

And they both started dying laughing...

1 day later...

George started waking up and he turned around seeing Clay resting his head on his hand looking at him.

"Look who's staring now" George murmured.

"Well your the only interesting thing to stare at in this room."

"Morning" George said looking at Clay.

"Good morning" Clay said, then he sat up. He moved so he was sitting in the edge of the bed.

George moved and stood up and walked around the bed. Clay was resting his elbows on his knees he then looked up cause he saw George.


"Dang your not even gonna kiss your fiancé good morning, I see how it is" George started to walk away until Clay tugged George arm back with a soft grip.

"Shut the fuck up."

George continued to stand and he kissed Clay, as he touched both of his cheeks with his hands.

"Is that better?" Clay asked.

"A lot better" George smiled and he sat on Clays lap wrapping his arms around the blondes neck.

"Your so stupid" Clay said.

"Hey you agreed to marrying this stupid person."

"I know I did, and I'm glad I did" Clay said looking at George.

"You know for saying your not a romantic, your quite the romantic" George said.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are babe" George said.

"Babe?" Clay asked, and George nodded "Nicknames really, who says that?"


"Your lying" Clay said.

"It's a romantic gesture" George said.

"Well I'm not romantic so."

"I still find it cute" George said.

"I can't believe I'm marrying you soon."

"Dream come true, huh?" George smiled.

Clay gave George a quick peck on the lips, and the two smiled...

1059 words :)

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