Astrology Dice

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Ever since I was a teen, I have loved using a little-known divination tool called Astrology Dice. It's very similar to other forms of dice divination, but with a
Astro dice are a somewhat new tool for divination made first by Wessex Astrologer.
The dice symbols are based on astrological principles like the signs, planets, and houses.
It starts with a set of 3 dice with 12 sides.
Each die is based on a different aspect of astrology.

Why Use Astrology Dice
Before you can learn how to use astrology dice, you should learn why you would even want to.
Reading astrodice is a lot of fun. These dice are a unique divination tool that I don't see used very often.
The answers they give are easy to understand and perfect for beginners.
The answers are also very different from what you will get with normal dice divination. (chapter on that soon!! but i do have one for DnD dice!!)

If you are just starting out and want an affordable way to divine the future and work with the spirits, astrology dice are a great place to start.
Many sets of astrology dice don't come with an instruction booklet, but that's what this blog post is for. To teach you how to use these mystical tools in your practice as a witch!
Read on to learn how to use your astrology dice like an expert.

What Dice Symbols Are On Astrology Dice
Each die has astrological symbols on it. These are the planets, the astrological signs, and the astrological houses.

In case you need a refresher on these symbols, read on.

12 Planets Of The Zodiac
The planets are represented on the sides of their die by their astrological symbols.
Don't worry if you don't know them all yet. You'll get it eventually, as you read the dice symbols.

Each of the planets has different correspondences, which defines what they mean when they come up in a reading.

The 12 planets are:
The Sun
The Moon
The North Node of the Moon
The South Node of the Moon

12 Signs Of The Zodiac
You probably know your own zodiac sun sign. You'll find it on one of the dice symbols.
You probably also know that the signs are associated with different traits, abilities, and personalities.
Those traits define how you read the signs when they come up in an astro-dice reading.

The 12 signs are:

12 Houses Of The Zodiac
The houses are represented by the numbers 1 through 12.
You'll see your houses laid out on a circle in your birth chart.
Each house is associated with different traits, like the self and society.
You'll read more about these traits below.

How To Use Astrology Dice
To put it simply, roll the dice and interpret the dice symbols that come up. When you look at it this way, reading astrodice is simple.
Of course, it's more complicated than that, but that's the very basic concept.
When you throw your astrology dice, you should ask questions similarly to how you ask the tarot for advice. Don't do yes or no questions.
Instead, focus on the subject of interest.
Then, you roll the dice and interpret the dice symbols that come up.

When reading the dice, it is helpful to think of the 3 different types of dice like this:

The planetary die represents the situation at hand. For instance, if you are asking about money, this die could represent your job or your finances.

The zodiac sign die represents how the situation feels or the emotions involved with the situation. Does money make you feel guilty? Or does it make you feel happy?

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