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The astrological sign of Leo and its personality

Your psychological nature is powerful and full of self-confidence. You are a leader whose strength and nobleness command your entourage's respect and adherence, with unchallenged legitimacy.

Your ability to order, the prestige and charisma that emanate continuously from your person, inevitably put you under the spotlight, wherever you go.

Leo' sayings and key-words

The words "I love" encapsulate the character of Leo. Generosity, affection and attractiveness are the qualities which resonate naturally with him.

The sign of Leo is proud, determined, strong-willed, loyal, solemn, generous, ambitious, courageous, heroic, conquering, creative, confident, seductive, happy, daring, fiery, majestic, honest, magnanimous, charismatic, responsible, noble, or dramatic.

But sometimes it is also domineering, vain, susceptible, bossy, stubborn, intolerant, self-centred, violent, quick-tempered, nonchalant.

The sign of Leo and its astrological characteristics

Rulership and exaltation in Leo

Each astrological sign has traits which are similar to, or different from, those of certain planets. They are known as planetary dignities. The planet having the strongest affinities with a sign is said to rule the sign and to be in its domicile, i.e. at home. It expresses itself with all its might, unreservedly. When a planet does not match a sign too well but remains compatible, it is in its exaltation. It gets its strength and its energy from the said sign though to a lesser extent than a planet in domicile.

The sign of Leo is in analogy with the Sun, its ruler. Leo is also close to Neptune since the latter is in exaltation in this sign according to certain authors, bearing in mind that opinions vary regarding Neptune and Pluto's planetary dignities.

The astrological sign of Leo shares several features with the Sun: it emphasizes courage, loyalty, nobleness and generosity, but also pride, irascibility, and self-centredness.

It must be noted that the interpretation of each zodiacal sign echoes the meaning of its House: the first sign and the 1st House, etc. Therefore, Leo, the fifth zodiacal sign, is in analogy with the 5th House: it describes the person's creative and recreational activities, his hobbies, as well as his love affairs, his luck in gambling, his relationships with children in general, including his own. This house covers all pleasant things in the native's life.

Leo Elements, Quadruplicities, and Polarities

Fire element of Leo
The twelve zodiacal signs are divided into four sectors matching the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. An element includes three compatible signs (triplicity), each element being mutually complementary.

Leo, like Sagittarius and Aries, is a Fire sign: these signs catche fire very quickly. They are enthusiastic, forthright, spontaneous, naive, and primary. This element provides the native with energy, ardour, and passion, but it may incline to violence, aggressiveness, lack of tact, and anger. Therefore, Fire may be dangerous, uncontrollable, and impulsive since it is difficult to master. It symbolises immoderate ambition, courage, the will to fight, dominate and conquer, but it also favours spiritual elevation, extreme lucidity, and it purifies the soul.

The Fixed mode of Leo
Signs are also divided into three sectors comprising four signs each. They are the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable sectors. Quadruplicities are also referred to as mode: the Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode, and the Mutable mode. Like elements, they rule different values and have characteristics of their own.

Leo, like Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus, is a Fixed sign. People with prominent fixed signs usually enjoy routine. They are stubborn, inflexible and find it difficult to adjust to new situations. Nevertheless, they demonstrate tenacity and moral strength, and they always complete their projects although it takes them some time to get started.

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