Timing Your Magic - Which Moon Phase to Cast a Spell

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Which Moon Phase to Cast a Spell

All Witches are aware of the power of moon phases and they have been using them since the old time to provide them with guidance, courage, luck, success and of course to heighten the power of their spellwork. The moon is the closest heavenly body in our sky and has great influence on our life. If you are a practitioner of witchcraft, timing your magic with the moon phases will give your spells added power. There are 8 main moon phases, each phase having its own power and special energies.

Certain spells can become void or become empowered, depending on when they are cast according to the moon phases, therefore you must make certain you are casting the correct spell under the correct moon phase.

Living by the moon's cycles can help us to feel happier, healthier and more energetic. The key is to always work with nature, never against it, that is a battle you cannot win. Most witches follow the 5 main phases of the moon, new, waxing, waning and dark moon, however more advanced students use all the moon phases, including, new moon, crescent, first quarter, gibbous, full, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent. There are also the special moon phases, dark moon, blue moon and the lunar eclipse.

In general, each moon phase is symbolic to what kind of magic you should be practicing, the waxing period, at the beginning of the lunar cycle, when the moon appears to grow from new to full, should be used for positive magic, or magic that brings new things into your life, whereas the last half of the lunar cycle, the waning period, should be used to remove or banish unwanted things from your life. In between you have the dark moon, the time of greatest power for banishing or negative magic, and the full moon, the time of greatest power of positive magic.

The moon is one of the oldest symbols for the goddess, representing the feminine aspects of divinity, as opposed to the Sun which represents the masculine. As the moon travels through the sky and through her phases, it is further symbolic of the woman's phases through her life. It takes about 28 days for the moon to go through a full lunar cycle which also effects the female's fertility cycle. Add to that the sheer beauty of the moon itself, giving light to the darkest night, it becomes even easier to understand the veneration witches have always had for the moon.

To celebrate the moon phases Witches covens will often come together to work magic and to commune with the goddess under her divine light. These meetings are known as Esbats.

Below we will go into more depth of each moon phase and the magic to work under that phase.
Which Moon Phase To Cast A Spell

New Moon

The new moon appears when the moon is lined up between the earth and the sun, and is lit only by earthshine. This is a time of initiation, so we use this phase to execute a project, to launch a business, or to gain publicity. New moons are also the perfect time to increase cash flow, take new business opportunities, travel and love.

The last lunar phase is over, we cannot go back and change the past, we can only focus on the present and our future goals. Let go of anything holding you back and make room in your life for new ventures.

This phase is about self, so we must focus inwards and take the necessary steps to fulfill our goals.

The new moon is the best time for curses, banishing, deconstructive magic, divination and any kind of magic for new projects or ventures.

Rising Time: Rises at dawn.

Setting Time: Sets at sunset.

Time: From the new moon's appearance until 3 1/2 days after.

Purpose: Beginnings.

Pagan Holiday: Winter Solstice.

Goddess Name: Rosemead's Moon.

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