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The astrological sign of Virgo and its personality

Your psychological nature is nervous and secondary. Before you take action, you cautiously ponder over things and you review all possible alternatives and reactions. You strive systematically to find the best possible response to any given problem.

Above all, you are a perfectionist and you have no rest until you optimize a situation, in each and every area, be it professional, pragmatic, aesthetic or in pleasure. You do not accept spontaneity and, to fully enjoy life and go further, you consider that demanding the best is the least you can do, even though it is detrimental to the rough forces associated with your instinct.

Intellectual elements intervene before both the physical ones and your feelings: it is one of the essential clues to understanding your personality.

Virgo' sayings and key-words

The sentence "I serve" encapsulates the character of Virgo, for whom it is imperative to be helpful by methodically improving oneself.

The sign of Virgo is brainy, perspicacious, in love with truth and accuracy, attentive to detail and numbers, analytical, serious, competent, scrupulous, sensible, modest, logical, tidy, well-organized, clean, hard-working, provident, honest, faithful, reserved, shy, helpful, and is a perfectionist.

But sometimes it is narrow-minded, calculating, irritating, petty, anxious, cold, repressed or caustic.

The sign of Virgo and its astrological characteristics

Rulership and exaltation in Virgo

Each astrological sign has traits which are similar to, or different from, those of certain planets. They are known as planetary dignities. The planet having the strongest affinities with a sign is said to rule the sign and to be in its domicile, i.e. at home. It expresses itself with all its might, unreservedly. When a planet does not match a sign too well but remains compatible, it is in its exaltation. It gets its strength and its energy from the said sign though to a lesser extent than a planet in domicile.

The sign of Virgo is in analogy with Mercury, its ruler.

The astrological sign of Virgo shares several features with this planet: communication, exchanges, intellectual activities, a style of reasoning, understanding and also of learning.

It must be noted that the interpretation of each zodiacal sign echoes the meaning of its House: the first sign and the 1st House, etc. Therefore, Virgo, the sixth zodiacal sign, is in analogy with the 6th House: it describes the native's everyday life, his behaviour at work, minor obligations, servitudes, lower-ranking co-workers, and pets. It also concerns health, medicines and minor illnesses.

Virgo Elements, Quadruplicities, and Polarities

Earth element of Virgo
The twelve zodiacal signs are divided into four sectors matching the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. An element includes three compatible signs (triplicity), each element being mutually complementary.

Virgo, like Capricorn and Taurus, is an Earth sign: people with emphasised earth signs have a practical and realistic mind and are down to earth. The earth element provides solidity, stability, persistence and a concrete nature. People ruled by this element know how to bring their undertakings to a successful conclusion and never shirk from anything.

They are rather calm, slow, and cold, but they are resilient, with an iron will. Earth is also synonymous with sensuality, earthly pleasures, and both material and sentimental security. However, the natives are also capable of incredible temper tantrums and outbursts of fury if their anger has been repressed for too long.

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