Dice Divination

1 0 0

You will need three dice and a flat surface to cast them on if you wish to gain an in depth insight into your future. Ideally the three dice should be of different colors for identification. If your dice are identical, mark them in some way so you can differentiate between them. The number of spots on the faces of each die correspond to different meanings and each die has its own set. The subject should pick up each die in turn, separately, starting with the first, then the second and finally the third, rolling them against each other in their closed hand as they do so. Have them cast all three dice onto your reading surface three times, noting the numbers thrown on each die, each time. The first cast of the dice tells the interpreter about the caster's general situation. The second will give an insight into money matters or their business situation and the third cast is concerned with relationships and love.

The First Die

6 – A sign to be on guard to a passing matter. An indication of impending, but veiled or hidden, good or evil.

5 – Persevere and show determination in achieving your goal or ambition.

4 – An omen of good luck and of a fortunate outcome for your future plans. Gamble and succeed.

3 – A journey or trip or possibly you may receive some important information in a letter or as some other message.

2 – A sign of your mortality. The end or sudden change of events concerning some matter of importance to you.

1 – Complications may entangle you in affairs not what they at first seem to be.

The Second Die

6 – An unfamiliar person will have an undue effect on your relations with family and those close to you.

5 – An event of great importance for your home or within the family.

4 – Disagreements and deceitfulness are in store for you.

3 – Love or perhaps a new close friend in your life.

2 – New plans and ideas will lead to greater productivity.

1 – Look forward to a new found enthusiasm and drive leading to great success in your life.

The Third Die

6 – Good fortune in matters of money, property and wealth.

5 – An occasion to celebrate is in store.

4 – New opportunities will present themselves to you or perhaps the solution to an old problem.

3 – You hold the key to your future prospects. Find the enthusiasm and zeal to achieve your ambitions.

2 – Events will move along at a great speed and you must be careful not to make mistakes.

1 – Take care and be thoughtful to preserve your health and a sound mind.

also —————

How to Interpret Dice

​For divination it is recommended to use three six-sided dice. If you are outside find a large flat stone or draw a circle into the sand. If you are inside you can also draw a circle. Roll the dices in your hands and think about those things that you wish to get some clarity. Throw dices into the circle.
Only interpret the ones that are inside the circle. If none of the dice get into the circle this is not the right time for divination but you will get to wish something.

6 Eyes Interpretation

Six Eyes interpretation is done with one dice. This method can be used for asking questions where you get simple yes/no answers.

1. Not right now. Something like this takes lots of time and planning.
2. Yes but you have to be honest.
3. Not right now. Is the problem in you.
4. Only if you are careful.
5. Don't be afraid to take chances.
6. Yes, but only if you mean it.

9 Eyes Interpretation

Count the numbers together. If you get a double digit number count the number so that you will get a single digit number. For example: 6 + 6 = 12 would be 1 + 2 = 3.

1. Something unexpected is going to happen.
2. Big life changes.
3. You will need help from your loved ones.
4. Be careful with your finances.
5. You are going to meet new people and make some new friends.
6. Play it safe. Don't take too many risks.
7. Be careful who you trust.
8. Relax and pamper yourself.
9. New possibilities and great events ahead.

18 Eyes Interpretation

This divination is recommended for more complex issues and questions.

1. Dead end. Troubles within the family.
2. Things are not what they seem. What is the true cause of the problem.
3. Happy surprises in love and friendship.
4. Disappointments ahead. Bad time to start new projects.
5. Your hard work pays of but don't let it get into your head.
6. Someone is trying to take advantage of you.
7. Someone is spreading lies about you behind your back.
8. Relax and pamper yourself.
9. Love and good luck.
10. Career promotion.
11. Take care of yourself. Observe your health. Sad news.
12. Legal problems. Ask advice from a friend.
13. Don't use wealth or possession as the measure of happiness.
14. You have a secret admirer.
15. Good time for new projects. Time to see which of your friends will stay by your side.
16. Journey ahead or visitors from far away.
17. If you want to make it take chances.
18. Good luck and success. Don't be afraid to do what you want.

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