Witchcraft 101: Alcohol & Magic

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Alcohol has been present in human society for thousands of years, and let's be honest, it's not going anywhere.
As well as being a tool to loosen one's inhibitions, alcohol can also be a tool in witchcraft and, like most tools and ingredients, different beverages have different associations.


ABSINTHE (AIR): protection, astral travel, dreams, psychic power, divination.

VODKA (FIRE): strength, courage, motivation, power, completion, cleansing.

RUM (WATER): prosperity, monetary wealth, cleansing, protection.

GIN (EARTH): binding, health, wealth. protection, psychic power.

BRANDY (EARTH): attraction, love, fertility, prosperity.

TEQUILA (FIRE): decision making, cleansing, purification, banishing, spirit work.


RED (EARTH): lust, passion, success, warmth, health, happiness.

WHITE (AIR): relationships/friendships, joy, purification, energy, success.

ROSÉ (AIR): luck, joy, friendship, new bonds, love, beginnings.

SPARKLING (FIRE): celebration, opportunity, prosperity, wealth.


MEAD (EARTH): learning, inspiration, creativity, courage, forming connections, love, lust, protection.

BEER (EARTH): prosperity, home and hearth, family, community, protection.

CIDER (EARTH): health, love, success, growth, stability.

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