Tea Magic - The Magical Properties of Tea

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For centuries witches have been using the magical properties of tea in their spell work. Each tea has their own unique magical properties.

Yellow Tea:

Magical Properties: Prosperity, wealth, fulfilment, purification, health and happiness.

Black Tea:

Magical Properties:  Strength, courage, wealth, banishment, willpower, energy, stability, death and alertness.

Green Tea:

Magical Properties:  Healing, love, sexual health, energy, longevity, immortality and cleansing.

White Tea:

Magical Properties:  Wisdom, happiness, protection, purification, clarity, cleansings, new beginnings, blessings, lunar magic and fertility.

Herbal Tea:

Magical Properties:  Prosperity, love

Oolong Tea:

Magical Properties:  Meditation, concentration, romance, wisdom, harmony, friendship and divination.


Magical Properties:  Courage, Strength, determination, patience, longevity, determination and wisdom.

Peppermint Tea:

Magical Properties:  Clarity, alertness, focus, productivity, social energy/luck in socializing, morale/confidence 


Magical Properties:  Divination, prosperity, wisdom, death, psychic development, banishment and reflection.


Magical Properties:  Healing, abundance, receptive energy, protection, peace, wealth, reduce stress, helps you sleep and pain relief


Magical Properties:  Success, prosperity, confidence, adventure, sensuality


Magical Properties:  Cleansing, removing energy blockages


Magical Properties:  helps sleep, dream magic

Dandelion Root:

Magical Properties:  Dream magick, Divination, spirit work


Magical Properties:  Love, beauty, protection


Magical Properties:  Love, Divination, Dream magick and lust


Magical Properties:  Prosperity and abundance


Magical Properties:  Cleansing, psychic opening


Magical Properties:  Protection from evil, illness, and magickal interference

Yerba Matte:

Magical Properties:  alertness, focus, productivity, social energy/luck in socializing, morale/confidence

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