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The astrological sign of Libra and its personality

Your psychological nature is sanguine and communicative or nervous and introverted, depending on who, either Venus or Saturn, is the strongest. Libra is ruled by both Venus, the principle of harmony, extraversion, attractiveness, outgoing and airy in this sign, and by Saturn, the principle of rigour, introversion, restraint, concentration and meditation.

Unless Saturn is very strong in the chart, Libra is delicate, charming, sociable, perpetually compromising. For this reason, you may sometimes come across as hesitant and weak because you dare not to insist or to give your opinion. You prefer to act as a unifier, an element of understanding and equity, even though it is detrimental to your own assertiveness.

You loathe violence, you spare no efforts for the sake of pacification and you adjust to the situation with flexibility and charm.

Libra' sayings and key-words

The sentence "We are" captures the character of Libra, for whom diplomacy, proprieties and group cohesion are essential qualities.

The sign of Libra is sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, and indulgent.

But sometimes it is hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive.

The sign of Libra and its astrological characteristics

Rulership and exaltation in Libra

Each astrological sign has traits which are similar to, or different from, those of certain planets. They are known as planetary dignities. The planet having the strongest affinities with a sign is said to rule the sign and to be in its domicile, i.e. at home. It expresses itself with all its might, unreservedly. When a planet does not match a sign too well but remains compatible, it is in its exaltation. It gets its strength and its energy from the said sign though to a lesser extent than a planet in domicile.

The sign of Libra is in analogy with Venus, its ruler. It gets along well with Saturn, the planet which is in exaltation here.

Therefore, the astrological sign of Libra shares several attributes with Venus: propensity to charm, conciliation, attractiveness, seduction, and often artistic qualities, but sometimes laziness as well as materialism and self-indulgence.

To a lesser extent, Saturn also influences this sign with his features, i.e. discipline, precision, perseverance, patience, realism but also harshness, insensitivity, and overly developed ambition.

It must be noted that the interpretation of each zodiacal sign echoes the meaning of its House: the first sign and the 1st House, etc. Therefore, Libra, the seventh zodiacal sign, is in analogy with the 7th House: it is opposite the 1st house and thus, represents other people, the native's behaviour towards other people, his partner (spouse or associate). It concerns contracts, associations, marriage and open enemies. It is through the 7th house that the native perceives other people.

Libra Elements, Quadruplicities, and Polarities

Air element of Libra
The twelve zodiacal signs are divided into four sectors matching the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. An element includes three compatible signs (triplicity), each element being mutually complementary.

Libra, like Aquarius and Gemini, is an Air sign: it is the element of communication and exchanges. It makes its natives talkative, distracted, light, swift, curious, and brimming with ideas. However, air is not palpable. Therefore, ideas may never be implemented, and the natives may be scattered, always going from right to left, and vice-versa.

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