Feng Shui

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In Feng Shui, Chi is the energy that flows in and around you, there are different types of Chi, the happy, prosperous, healthy, vibrant Chi is Sheng Chi, you are surrounded by Sheng Chi when your environment is uncluttered, clean and you are feeling bright, positive, happy and there is a calm about your space, whether this be the home, office, car, etc. Living in a home filled with Sheng Chi, you will wake each day filled with happiness and you will be awash with creative thoughts and a sense of wellbeing, you will draw to you people who have a similar outlook.


When you are feeling at odds with everything and nothing is working for you, when you are upset, unhappy, short tempered and low in energy, you have flowing around you, Sha Chi (negative energy). This can happen when you are working in a place where you are not in tune with those around you, or when you allow people into your life that are toxic. Whenever you are associating with toxic energies or going in the wrong direction, you will feel it in your home. When Sha Chi surrounds, you feel tired and unable to think clearly, you may find you are forgetful or chaotic in your home and/or work environment. Sha Chi leaves you feeling listless and with a tendancy towards negative thoughts, you can also feel quite unwell and everything you do becomes an effort.


Your front door is very important as this is where the Chi enters and you want to invite good Chi into your home or office. You can't always choose where your front door faces but you can take About Feng Shuisome simple steps to create harmony. First make sure your door is clean and there is nothing broken, maybe it needs a coat of paint or a door knob fixed, attend to these matters to begin with and make sure the entrance is uncluttered. If when you open the front door it faces a wall, place a mirror on the wall to give a sense of space and depth. If your front door opens onto the lounge, place something there as a buffer to the Chi flowing in, you may decide to place plants or a screen, this slows the Chi and allows it to meander rather than gush. It is a good idea to place two plant or two statues outside on either side of the front door this gives balance and harmony and looks welcoming.


The first thing you see when entering a home is the foyer or entrance, this should be clean and uncluttered, if you do place anything there let it be a beautiful plant, statue or a table with flowers. This can also be the place for art of any sort depending on your taste. Remember the entrance is the first thing someone sees when they enter your home so you want to create ambience. The entrance should be well lit by overhead lights or lamps, again choose carefully as this area should be welcoming. If there is any type of obstruction facing your front door as you look out, whether this is another building or shrubbery, place a mirrored PaKua outside on the door to deflect any negative energy, this can be obtained from any esoteric shop. Chimes can be placed outside they are excellent for deflecting negative energy. A coloured front door is good Chi, although most doors fit in with the colour and style of the house. If however you wish to choose a colour Red, Green, Blue and Black are good choices depending on what appeals, all these colours attract good Chi.


The ideal walkway leading to your house is curved, this allows the energy to flow gently towards your front door, if your front door leads straight to a back door, the energy can flow out just as fast. This can be remedied by a screen in front of the back door or window to stop the energy flowing out as fast as it flows in. Chimes can be placed at the back door and front door of your home as they create harmony. If you live in an apartment you have no choice of a curved walkway but you can use plants, flowers, art, statues, mirrors and chimes. Place a plant or statue on either side of your front door, if you can't place anything outside place these inside.

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