The Art of Clairvoyance

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Clairvoyance (clear seeing) is a natural power within everyone, since ancient times it has been used to manipulate, assist and enhance. Everyone has the ability, it is what you do with it that counts, clairvoyance is your birthright,and if developed will be a guiding light throughout your life. Within the ether is the light of inner sight and once you have rapport your seer ability is awakened. Clairvoyance is distinct from your usual senses, it is a new awareness of knowing and cognising facts, opening unexplored fields of understanding. If the latent powers within all people are triggered, thinking will be revolutionised, if the individual becomes aware of their powers a spiritual shift will take place. Personal responsibility for all actions and thoughts will be the accepted norm.

Clairvoyance, for the novice, is not unlike learning a new skill, whether this be mental or physical, it takes effort to try something new, but with practice becomes automatic and involuntary. ClairvoyanceClairvoyance is for anyone, rich, poor, young, old, male, female, it is indiscriminate, it is for any level of intelligence, anyone, anywhere can be clairvoyant, all it takes is application, determination and constancy. There is a system to it, and training is required for it to work, for all but those who are naturally spontaneous. Some are gifted with second sight from the moment of birth, but for everyone else effort is needed to achieve the desired results.

When being clairvoyant you are acting outside your normal mental behaviour, do not become discouraged if nothing happens to begin with, you are exercising a new muscle and this is always testing. Every time you try you are one step closer to seeing beyond the five senses, any path you take will lead to the same goal, whether this be psychometry, tarot, runes, I Ching, scrying or any number of occult practices. A strong and focused mind is a prerequisite to success. Spending approximately six weeks practicing steadily on a daily basis will more than likely allow the average person to develop psychic skills to one degree or another, and with continued work allow latent abilities to surface. Develop your potential through one hours practice each day, using will, concentration, persistence, self-awareness, self-restraint, energy, focus and love.

You will have better results with a healthy rested body and working in a calm and peaceful environment. Observe temperance, there is plenty of time to learn, do not compare yourself with anyone, each individual works at their own pace and this is part of their karmic destiny. Like anything else clairvoyance is an art, it can be a valuable tool in your life, allowing you to express various degrees of perception, offering knowledge of things independent of ordinary avenues. This knowledge can be attained by different and widely diverse methods.


Psychometry is a type of sensitiveness where emanations are read from objects and people, a rapport is achieved through holding or touching an item or person, and reading from the item or person. Through this the seer can become aware of people distant or dead, they can feel and describe a person on all levels, social, moral, spiritual, health, intellectual, financial. Some clairvoyants are able to pick up on illness and pinpoint the area of the body that is affected. When practicing psychometry, ability can be deepened by noting very carefully the first and strongest impressions when holding a letter, touching a person or object and relaying what you have perceived. Through interaction with others and response from them as to the accuracy of your insights, you gain understanding of your own perceptions and grow from there. Psychometry also helps you to find out your unique strengths, the more you experiment the more you realise clairvoyance is something you can unearth and unleash.


Intuition is peculiar to all people, with some it is heightened, with others it is in a nascent state. It can be developed in everyone and when active, clairvoyance comes naturally. Natural, heightened intuition is effortless, it offers an instantaneous perception of facts and events. When your intuition gives you a message, listen and respond accordingly, over time your perceptions will become clearer and happen more often. The powerful difference between clairvoyance, psychometry and intuition is that clairvoyance sees, psychometry feels, whereas intuition is instant knowing. In our natural state we see through dark glass, with clairvoyance the seeing is more distinct, with psychometry there is feeling in a lesser or greater degree, intuition however is a grand leap of understanding, it is instantaneous.

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