Rune Divination

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Runes are associated with divination, but the symbols themselves can also be used as MAGICAL  ingredients in spells. The symbols can be carved,  written, drawn, they can also be used to spell out words or names. The possibilities are endless!

Here  is a list of Runes and their correspondences:

• Ansuz, Ass, As:
Communication skills, creative thought, artistic inspiration, perceptive ability, application of knowledge.

Meaning: Yggdrasil, the primal sound, Aum
Letter: A (as in ace)
Element: Air
Tree: Ash
Herb: Fly Agoric
Deity: Odin
Color: Dark blue
Tarot Card: Death
Planet: Venus
Sequential number: 3
Relates well to: Sources of inspiration and intellectual expression.

•Berkanan, Berkana, Bjarka, Beore:
Care and compassion, conservation, protectiveness, ability to form close relationships, blossoming, fruitfulness.

Meaning: Regeneration, the breasts of the Earth Goddess
Letter: B (as in birth)
Element: Earth
Symbol: Breasts
Tree: Birch
Herb: Lady's Mantle
Deity: Frigg, Nerthus, Hel
Color: Dark green
Tarot Card: The Empress
Astrology Sign: Virgo
Sequential number: 17
Relates well to: What provides growth and beauty.

•Dagaz, Dag:
Transformation, self-fulfillment, completion, one-ness.

Meaning: Balance, night and day, black and white
Letter: D (as in day)
Element: Fire, Air
Symbol: Day or dawn
Tree: Spruce
Herb: Clary
Deity: Odin, Ostara, Heimdall
Color: Light blue
Tarot Card: Temperance
Planet: Half Moon
Sequential number: 23
Relates well to: Area of unexpected synchronicity.

•Ehwaz, Eh:
Balance and control, communicative skill, adjustment.

Meaning:  An intuitive bond (as with horse and rider)
Letter: E (as in end)
Element: Earth
Symbol: Horse, two horses
Tree: Ash, Oak
Herb: Ragwort
Deity: Freya, Freyr, Aclis
Color: White
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Astrology Sign:  Gemini
Sequential number: 18
Relates well to: With what or whom you should work. Erotic relations.

•Ihwaz, Eoh, Eihwaz:
Supportive energy, endurance, longevity, perseverance.

Meaning: Yew tree, regeneration, longevity
Letter: Ei (as in height)
Element: All
Tree: Yew, Poplar
Herb: Mandrake
Deity: Ullr, Idhunna, Freya
Color: Dark blue
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
Astrology Sign: Scorpio
Sequential number: 13
Relates well to: Hidden influences, state of whole being. Relationship with the numinous environment.

•Fehu, Feh, Feoh:
Culmination, exchange and distribution, generated wealth.

Meaning: Cattle; Moveable wealth
Letter: F (as in fee)
Element: Fire, Earth
Tree: Elder
Symbol: Cattle, Cow
Herb: Nettle
Deity: Freya
Color: Light Red
Tarot Card: The Tower
Astrology Sign: Aries
Sequential number: 24
Relates well to: Money matters. Psychic energies.

•Gebo, Gifu, Gyfu:
Bonding and binding, compensation, fair exchange, respect of boundaries, generosity and compassion.

Meaning: Sacred mark, a gift to the Gods
Letter: G (as in gift)
Element: Air
Symbol: Gift
Tree: Ash, Elm
Herb:  Heartsease
Deity: Gefn, Odin, Freya,
Color: Deep blue
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Astrology Sign: Pisces
Sequential number: 6
Relates well to: What will be given to you.

•Hagalaz, Hgalz, Hagal:
Dramatic liberation, birthing, bridging, correction of imbalance, advantageous adversity.

Meaning: Ice or hail, transformation
Letter: H (as in hail)
Element: Water, Ice
Symbol: Ice, hail
Tree: Ash, Yew
Herb: Lily of the Valley
Deity: Urd, Ymir
Color: Light blue
Tarot Card: The World
Astrology Sign: Aquarius
Sequential number: 8
Relates well to: Area of possible crisis leading to transformation.

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