Weather Witchcraft Rundown

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Weather Correspondences

Sunny/Clear: Calm, Peace, Stillness, Warmth, Happiness, Protection, Determination, Happiness, Joy, Luck, Fae work

Cloudy: Rising Energy or Tension, Friction, Agitation, Calm, Solemness, Illusions, Protection, Emotions, Banishing, Sigil magic, Curse lifting

Light Rain: Gentleness, Peace, Cleansing, Tranquility, Self Love, Meditation, Purity, Clarity, Abundance, Respect, Banishing

Rainbow: Relationships, Fae work, Deity work, Friendships, Luck, Wealth

Heavy Rain: Banishing, Cleansing, Raw Energy, Sadness, Grief, Passion, Summoning

Lightning: Raw power, Spirit work, Passion, Curses and Hexing, Manifestation, Enlightenment, Sacredness, Truth, Creativity, Inspiration, Fertility, Purification, Destruction, Sudden change of events

Hail/Sleet/Freezing Rain: Stiffness, Grounding, Contemplation

Snow: Innocence, Peace, Self Love, Contemplation, Relaxation, Relationships, Banishing, Purity, Release, Life/Death/Seasonal Cycles, Time

Blizzard: Power, Agitation, Fury, Passion, Strong Emotions, Binding spells, Balance, Channelling strong emotions, Letting go

Wind: Sweeping things away, Banishing, Cleansing, Grounding, Uncovering secrets and hidden emotions, Travel, Study, Breaking bad habits

Fog: The Veil, Spirit Work, Secrets, Protection, Obstruction, Curses, Warding, Meditation, Astral Work, Fear, Patience, Calmness, Serenity, Peace, Truth

Severe Weather (tornadoes, hurricanes, etc): Fear, Cursing, Malevolent energies and spirits, strong and dangerous power

Elemental Jar Correspondences

Rain Water: Rainwater takes on the properties of the storm you got it from. Sun showers are used for solar magic, nourishment and healing. Dreary rain is used for resting, rejuvenation, protection, shadow work and invisibility. And stormwater is used for more aggressive spells like curses and hexes.

Snow Water: Use for transformation, balance and calming spells.

Fog/Mist Water: Use for liminal magic, hedge riding, astral travel, divination, spirit work, death work, creativity, balance and partnership spells. Especially powerful when collected near dawn or dusk.

Hail Water: Use for curses and storm magic.

Ice Water: Use to undo binding spells, transformation, balance and creativity magic.

Breath: Use for meditation, to cleanse or "breathe life" into an object and charge it. Often associated with life and the soul, and therefore can represent Spirit.

Breeze: A distinctly light and gentle wind. Use to send and receive messages, remove negativity from yourself and others, become more gentle and constant, or in spells that require something to be gently removed from your life. Whisper wishes when a breeze passes by to send it to the universe.

Wind: Use to carry spell remains and energy away, carry messages to the universe, cleanse objects and people, speed up spells, or add a chaotic element to banishing spells.

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