twenty three+

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a/n: k so there's alot of smut and some pov change just bc i think it's cool.

if you a true cam and lena shipper, then this might make you sad or mad or whatever emotion you end up feeling towards the end.

basically, um, i'm not sorry? and to be truthfully, i was pretty horny when i wrote this (laughing my fuCK8NG ASS OFF WTF IH8MEE), so that explains the descriptive terms, even though i do that all the time..

anyways, enjoy!


monday, 5:40 pm - april 18th

cameron dallas

"cameron, nash, how are you two doing?"

"great, thanks." i laugh, trying to rush with nash to the front lobby.

i knew i shouldn't have told the valet to park for me.

the damn paparazzi just asks lots of questions, but they wanna try to act nice before they attack you.

"are you and lena evans dating?"

"are you cheating on your girlfriend rachel everly?"

"have you decided to call it quits while you guys are on a break?"

"does she know about lena evans?"

"do you know that lena evans is dating you and jack gilinsky at once?"

"have you read about jack gilinsky dating lena evans?"

"holy shit, they're persistent as hell!" nash says in my ear as i try my best to ignore them.

"cameron, when are you gonna admit your feelings for lena evans?"

we finally reach the lobby where i rush through the door, relieved that they can't come in since bruce and zac are outside.

considering this building is home to lots of social media stars, they're the bodyguards that block the paparazzi out of the building.

"fuck my life, bro." i exhale as we enter the elevator, gaining a chuckle.

"nash, it's not funny." he only laughs harder.

"aye, this will get better, man. don't be so pissed, just go tell lena about rachel right when you see her..well, say hi and ask about her day first, then tell her."

the doors open and we walk all the way down to our apartments.

"see ya later, 'kay?" he unlocks his door, going inside.

"yeah, man, bye." i wave as he closes the door.

"hello?" i shout as i enter the apartment, confused as to why it's so dark, and why there are lit candles everywhere.

holy fuck, did lena do this?

what if she decided she wants to fuck?

"ohhh shit." i mutter before gaping my mouth open at the thought of lena wanting to have sex.

but, i'd have to ruin it by telling her about my ex.

"baby, where are you?" i call out, hearing a giggle.

"cameron, i missed you so much." i hear her respond, making me grin.

"then come out and see me." i wonder what she has on, becoming anxious when i hear her footsteps.

once my eyes set on her as she walks from out of my room, my smile drops.

"rachel?" it comes out as more of a question, but i try to mask my confusion with a fake smile.

lena ♢ c.d + j.gWhere stories live. Discover now