Your Father Is...

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{Early post- just because I work tomorrow and I probably will get sidetracked with homework and won't post ;) I do have the next chapter all ready so I might.... MIGHT ... Just post that tomorrow.} Till then Enjoy

She doesn't know what she is getting herself into David you need to warn her." Says a girl who from her purple eyes, I noticed was Cyanna.

"She isn't ready Cy." Says David in a worried voice.

Looking around the corner I spot David leaning against a tree as Cyanna stands in front of him.

"Then make her ready. David if you don't-" her voice trails off.

"I know."

"Well I don't." I say.

Both jumped up, startled as they look towards me.

"Annabelle." David says as he coo's my name, "What are you doing here?" moving so quickly to where I stood his hand cups my face, sending a relaxing sense through my body, making me lose focus for a second, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head as I pulled from him, "What do I need to be warned about?"

David looks at Cyanna and she looks at me.

"How did you get here love?"

I looked from her to David, "Didn't he pull me here?"

David shook his head as Cyanna says, "You're stronger then you think."

I raised my brow as David says, "As much as I love your presences you need to return home. Now."

"Why?" looking between the two I say, "I'm sick of these stories and of these lies, just tell me what you're hiding from me."

Smiling he brushes his thumb against my cheek as he says,

"Bientôt, little one."

That word Bientôt ran through my head. Slowly breaking down as I remember the past few months me hearing it a random moments.
"It's been you?" I whispered.


"The whispers of soon, that I've been hearing?"

He nods.

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked as I took a step back.

He shakes his head, "Not now Annabelle."
"Everything with everyone has been not now. I want now, David, what are you keeping from me?"

Looking at me as his eyes shimmers he says, "Why don't you ask lover boy that?"

I went to ask him what he meant, but stopped as he steps to me and presses his lips against my forehead. I could feel his stubble on my nose and smell his musky cologne. Closing my eyes I felt myself waking up as he whispers,

"It'll all fall into place, prepare yourself, danger is coming."

I could feel myself falling as I jumped up in a cold sweat.

Taking in a slow breath I calmed myself as I absently rolled over in bed surprised to see a big plush brownish black wolf lying next to me. On my dresser set a box of pastries and a envelope with a rose. Picking up the envelope I open it and smiled as I noticed the penmanship.

*Love is a strong thing, love is passionate, love makes me feel like my feelings for you are strictly magic. I've never felt like this, maybe when I was a kid, but even then nothing can compare to what I feel when you are around. You are my Pebbles, my light to my dark. I'd do anything to keep you around. I suck at poems but I'm a massive romancer. Give me a chance and I can show you that I can also be a damn good dancer. Thursday I have plans for us, I won't tell you what it is but I'll give you a hint, let me show you the universe since I've already shown you the stars. Till Thursday, to the moon and Back Pebs. :*

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