When He Leaves You

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Ok guys this one isn't a imagine or anything but I just would like to speak about the whole Zayn situation. I know you guys have been waiting on my thoughts lol. But anyway I'm not commenting on what he did with the girl because that's a different rant and I don't want to talk about that because I rather keep that opinion to myself. But I do want to say that just looking at the situation as a whole I feel it's really messed up. My thing is this situation is not about stress the problem is the boys don't have enough solid people like a NO friend to keep you from your stupidity, nobody is around them that can influence them to stay on the straight and narrow for the sake of the band & the unity of the band. I feel like had someone been there for Zayn on that night this entire situation would have ended up with Zayn never having to miss 3 shows & Perrie should have been on the flight to meet her man and work it out & So forth. But this incident speaks so many things & how "Strong"😒 they are supposed to be 😒🐸☕️. 😂 *there a joke*

I feel like everyone that's been expressing how they feel has mis-directed their feelings at at the situation. I feel like if anybody that should be mad it should be Liam, Harry, Niall & Louis. & especially the fans in Philippines.
I think what should be bothering to everyone is the fact that Harry and Louis of everyone in the group gets more hate than everyone, especially of what we all know being accused of every little thing about Larry being real and stuff. Now it's not about them but I'm using that hate as an example of something that hurt Harry, it tainted Harry's friendship with Louis & especially has a great effect on how real women that they may take interest in being with effects their view on them. Now I'm going to take a minute to shade Zayn because the thing is if Harry and Louis can get through that scrutiny. Because nothing is more hurtful than people saying & calling you something that your not, or making explicit videos of you with someone effecting your family & their future the kids we never saw them drop out.

And let us not forget that about Liam. Liam & sophia broke up at the start of WWAT but you didn't see liam jump ship and miss shoes. He may have wanted to but he didn't. And I guess my thing in a business mind sense if I'm harry, Niall, Louis or Liam I would be very heated with Zayn. Because now the business of whatever happens with him and Perrie now becomes there problem because now it effects their money & the band as a whole which is really unfair.

To all the fans that have directed anger to Perrie I understand but to put things in context Perrie is the blame for this and if there is a break up with the band may the blood be on Perrie Edwards. She is wrong for that because a real woman didn't have to wait to put her man in check. She would have been on the first flight to put him in check. Zayn is not a solo artist he is a part of a group, & if she ruins him he ruins everyone. So people do have a right be anger to her.

And finally im not sure what changed in Zayn to be like a softy like this. Because I remember a time in 2012 Zayn was protective of everyone in the group & was more outspoken & then suddenly that changed & then finally now Zayn was coming back to himself & then this happens.

That is all now if you want to know my opinion on what I think is the truth. Vote and I'll tell you lol.

P.s I just wanted a excuse to say what I think is the truth about what's going on. But only if you vote. Voting equals asking. Lol

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