Nobody's Business

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It was in the silence I sat soaking in a hot bubble bath. I just kept replaying the the past, my past, his past, our past.....I just keep thinking about love. I keep thinking about Harry. I keep thinking about how can you love someone so much but love them enough not want them because in one thought you think love is when you can't be together or you don't want to be "together together" is enough & that's all you want, or if it's safe to be "together together" & you call it together & that's what you label it because titles like girlfriend/boyfriend change the nature of everything.

If love was created since the beginning of time how is it even possible for it change. How could that idea even be a possibility to a new definition of love? Or maybe this is what Harry does to me. He has my nose so wide open that I can't believe I'm this open minded. If I'm thinking like that then love doesn't really have a new meaning. I guess it just comes full circle. Love makes you so open and vulnerable that you have no choice but to trust that no matter what happens in the end it will be beautiful because it's all about the story of life.

After my hour long bath I use my lavender oils to moisturize my skin. By the time I change into my silk cami I cuddled into my sheets. But I couldn't close my eyes without the interruption of my phone going off.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, umm are you tired ?" He asked me

"Not really, but I was just getting into bed" I admit

"Can I come tuck you in?" He asked

"It depends" I said not really sure. We were suppose to talk at brunch tomorrow. I wanted to see him then but another part would be lying if I said I hope he does come. I still crave all his attention & his energy. That is something I can't deny

"Depends? Why don't you say yes, I know you want me to come over....I promise to be good. I'm just coming to tuck you in & to make sure the bed bugs don't bite" He said

"How soon are you going to be here?" I question because i can tell I'm speaker in his car

"I'll be in your drive way in 12 minutes " he confirmed


After that phone call it didn't take long before I met him at my door. As soon as he came in I walked right into his arms. To my surprise he kissed me. I wasn't expecting a whole gentle & sweet make out session.

We went to my room. I got in my covers while Harry actually tucked me in. He still laid beside me.

"See, didn't I come to tuck you, i stayed true to my promise." He said

"You did, I'm quite surprised" I said & we shared a small laugh

"I just needed to see you" he said

"I'm happy you came " I say

"I wanted to see was your day" he asked

"It was fine, just worked & came home. I've been really tired so I didn't want to do much of anything, how was your day?" I asked

"It was good, I had some meetings, I did some writing & I worked out. It was a pretty good day" he said

I couldn't help but wonder about our last conversation

"I'm happy you had a good day" I said

"I'm glad it was too, now I'm ending it with you" Harry said then placing his hand on my cheek basically cuffing my face. His thumb caressed my bottom lip, I bit my lip then released it . His caressed it again & kissed me on the lips.

"Have you been thinking" I asked

"Of course, I've been thinking about us" he said

"I'm sorry if I make you feel out of place" I said

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked surprised

"I apologized because maybe in the end if we don't choose to be together I'm holding you back from wanting to be open. I'll be in the way of a potential opportunity for you & someone els" I said

"I'm not thinking about anyone else except you, I didn't make love to just any stranger in Hawaii" he said making a good point

"I'm the furthest thing from a stranger" I said

"We have a commitment issues, but I believe we have all the time in the world to work on it" he says

"We do , but I don't want a century to go by & I still haven't figured it out yet. Look at us , & what we have become, we talk as if we are 15...........maybe we love each other enough to just stay like this.......I guess in the end we will grow apart"I said

"We are going to grow together. How could you not think we won't? " he asked

"Because we know each other all too well" I said

"You have forgiven me too many times....I shouldn't be surprised that you would say that" he admits

"But what is love without forgiveness?" I say

"It's like a sky without a sun......I'm not in love with Kendall or Haley. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you. I knew that since we spent the entire night in Vegas just talking. I realized I could always talk to you about anything. But I've hurt you, & you've hurt me. But could you really ask yourself this question, after all we have put each other through don't you think time has rewarded us a chance to explore another level of where we can go or will you always remain in fear of opening that door again?" He asked making me want to rethink & over think Everything again

"I love you, I know I love you. & I know how I love you. You still need to figure that out" he said then pulling himself off of the bed preparing to leave

"Are you saying you love me better?" I joke avoiding the seriousness of this

"That's actually what I'm saying, but you still need to figure out what I truly mean. Sleep on it & meet me at brunch later today to discuss it, I love you.....good night" he said kissing me one more time on my lips and on my forehead

I held onto to him just so I could hug him & then he left. I don't know why I love him like it's nobody's business but I need to figure that out quick & in a hurry

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