He Wants To Break Up part 2

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You pulled into your drive way of your home. You took a moment just to cry hard & just scream & let it all out. It's just a mix of emotions going through your head right now. So much anxiety. All you keep thinking in your mind right now is "I'm really no longer his girlfriend. " it kept replaying constantly in your mind. It wouldn't stop until you came to peace that this is what it is now.

But now after your tears of pain and sadness came laughter. It's kinda funny to you how you did a well deserving Oscar award performance back there. You really did hold it together back there. It's also funny that you are happy you overheard his plan because this little moment right here would not even be happening right now.

3 Months Later

Life has been so chaotic. The whole world knows & has been loosing it's shit ever since knowing but then again when has the world ever had its shit together. That is the better question.

You really didn't think that it would get this far. You thought that Harry would be coming back to you right now. But Harry has only been a random presences.

You find it hard to explain. Harry has been constantly checking on you. He calls it making sure that you are always safe & unbothered. He keeps saying that it's still his job because he's the one that made my life the way it is. At the time when he said that to you it made you go off on him. He sounded like a narcissistic asshole the way he said it. You both didn't talk to each other for a week. But Harry being annoying & not letting go of you, both of you apologized and made up.

If the fighting between the both of you weren't interesting enough things now have become even more chaotic with David in the mix of it now. David is a well respected friend of both you & Harry. However you & David have known each other way longer before Harry & you were together.

One day You just looked up & saw how David was just there for you when You needed someone the most. The moment when everyone found out it was so much confusion until someone took it upon themselves just to create a story. Some one came up with some type of truth to say it was you that broke up with Harry. But to make matters worse was Harry going along with that truth. Which is why you both had a small falling out. But David has been there for you behind the lights & media & press. He just been keeping you encouraged.

David is brilliant, not smart but brilliant. He's the CEO of his own company. He owns a bunch of hotel businesses. He's two years older than you, & he's very handsome. But David hasn't made any pass on you. But you don't put out the thought of both you can David could be good for one another someday maybe. You think maybe he's just waiting when the time is right.

Harry does know about David spending more quality time with you. He found out by crystal's big mouth. You wanted to continue the friendship with Crystal which is one of a few close friends to Harry. But quiet as its kept between even Crystal & yourself you really fell out with her silently. It's ever since that night you felt like you couldn't trust her. If she was a friend to you she would have not sat their & felt bad for you, she would have talked sense into Harry in your defense but technically speaking you have no right to expect that of her. You just know you can't trust her with anything.

It was a cool Friday night that you decided to just keep to yourself. Since the break up everyone has been trying to get you out of the house. You know people are starting to worry about you but honestly you are just taking your time. You really want all of this to die down. You want people to even forget who you are. Just right now it's not..........ugh Harry is the monster is calling right now.

"What do you want Harry?"

"Hello to you too darling"

"Excuse my manners. You were interrupting me"

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