He Calls You Upset

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You were just finishing cleaning up your house. You cooked yourself a meal & pour yourself a nice glass of white wine to accompany your meal. Harry was on tour & you missed him a lot. You reminisced on when he would come to your house, you would cook for him & he would love to make deserts with you afterwards. He loved showing off his baking skills to you. You thought it was so adorable.

You honestly couldn't wait to see him. Also hear from him because it's been 4 days since you haven't heard his voice. You still texted each other but not in 4 days. You honestly hope everything was ok with him which you knew he was in good hands. Speaking of the love of your life he's calling you right now. You quickly answered

"Hey babe" you said with excitement because you missed him

"Hey love...how are you?" Harry said in a somber tone taking your excitement away.

"Umm well....im a little sad now I was happy until I heard your voice...what's wrong with you...talk to me. I don't like when your sad" You said firmly

"I'm sorry love I'm just really upset about something." Harry said frustrated

"What's wrong, please tell me" you said sympathetically

"It's about Lou" Harry said simply

"Ohhhhhhh....... What happened" You said kinda already having a clue what he was going to say

"I'm just upset & I'm tired of all these reporters blaming me for her and tom split. I didn't do anything I had nothing to do with any of their business & reports are saying we are romantically involved & it's completely untrue. I don't like what's being said. & you know the truth about the nature of the relationship I have with both of them" Harry said annoyed & upset

"Babe you just have to ignore what they say...Lou is basically your big sister or your next mother in a sense. She's been with you at the most crucial parts of your life & career. Like literally there from start to now there. We both know that Lou & Tom had their issues as soon as Lou was pregnant. Don't blame yourself, don't take on that blame & don't let the rumors change you or her. Just keep encouraging each other like always honey"you said softly

"Your right I'm just scared.......i don't know the possibility of her changing on me. You know how I am when people who I care about most shun me away or change & I don't like it because I never adapt to it." Harry said

"I know honey I'm well aware. But don't look for that in the person. Always remember what the person's place is in your life & make sure both parties are working to keep it the way it is. Friendships take work, relationships take work. Everything takes work you know" you said hoping he understands

"Your right I guess I just get paranoid a lot. The thing about this type of business is that once you have build trust with people & once you get to know people you know that they are good people around & you work hard to keep that around you. You work to keep a strong nucleolus around you at all times. & I think Lou & Ted & of course the other lads have been all of that for me. I just don't want that to change for others or feel like because of the pressure from others they won't be able to work with us no more & I don't want that to happen that's all" Harry admits

"Hey I can completely appreciate how you feel. I would feel the same way too if I was in your position. But at the end of the day Lou is apart of your family & hey all families go through ups and downs. But families always get through things together & never forget that." You said encouragingly

"Thank you love, I'm sorry I'm upset while you were all excited to talk to me. I really ruined your mood and everything with my problems.....i guess
I'm a bad boyfriend huh being that I haven't had a chance to talk to you" Harry says feeling guilty

"It's ok babe, I'm glad you come and talk to me when things are bothering you, & I love the fact you never leave me hanging in the dark about things. You tell me so I won't be wondering about things or worried. I hate feeling like one of those girlfriends that never know what's going on with their boyfriend & you have to find it out through other people or something." You said truthfully

"I'd never do that to you. I love you & I purposely make sure you know everything first so that you never have to feel like that ever. I never want you to feel like that. I always share everything with you. Our relationship was never based on secrets & it will never turn into secrets. That's no relationship. Our relationship is honest & true. I don't like to hide anything from you. Your my girlfriend but not only that your my best friend & I love you more than words can explain...& you deserve to know everything what's going on whether it be business, music related or anything. Your mine & everything I do I always think of you. So that my sweetheart you won't ever have to worry about. Know that I will always put you first ok" Harry says firmly & lovingly

"That's how I feel too. I don't keep things from you & you know I always promised you that I will always remain honest and never keep anything away from you. More importantly I want you to know that I trust you. & I love you with all my heart. That won't ever change"you said lovingly

"I love you with all my heart & there is no other woman on this earth that can change that. But more importantly I miss you like crazy. I wish you would just come on tour with me I'm tired of being without you."Harry says

"I miss you more babe, I don't like being away from you" You said lovingly

"Then come on tour for awhile with me, I need you" Harry says

"Stop trying to sweet talk me Styles your not slick I know what your trying to do" you said making both of y'all laugh

"But I do need you babe, stop working & come be with me please" Harry pleads

"Babe no, you know I can't do that just like I can't take you away from your millions of fans they depend on you. & people at my job depend on me too" you said because Harry has been bugging you about this lately.

"I know but I miss you too much & I don't like being away from you....I always wanted to be the guy that spoils and takes care of his girlfriend" Harry says sweetly

"You are that guy babe you more than enough spoil me" You said

"But I want you here." Harry says never letting this go

"Babe the only way I'm going to adjust my life to your crazy schedule is if I'm your wife, I'm your girlfriend so babe no more whining" You said winning the argument

"Give me more time, I'll make you my wife & then you won't have that arguement anymore." Harry never backs down

"I'm done with the back and forth you win in the comeback round but I win overall" you said laughing

"I love you" Harry said

"I love you" you said

"Well I will be back soon I have a break coming in 2 weeks so I'll see you soon, we can cuddle, you can cook.....you can show me the latest pieces from agent provacator.....watch movies....play games everything & anything you want to do love" Harry says

"That sounds like music to my ears babe" you said sweetly

"I love you & I'll see you soon ok. I'm going to sleep & I'll talk you tomorrow ok" Harry said

"I love you too babe. Goodnight" you said softly & then you both hung up.

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