The Backlash

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I was meeting Harry at one of our friends house down in Santa Barba. I'm actually kinda mad at him because I'm driving almost an hr to go see him. Harry's whole situation of this visit doesn't make me happy. But Santa Barba is pretty, I get to see him & be with friends I haven't seen in months so this isn't a bone worth picking so I'll let it go. We already had one fight earlier this week. I'm over it & so should he.

I finally arrived. I parked and then walked to the porch to ring the doorbell.

The guy Paul, a good pal of ours answered the door.

"Uh oh, I can't believe it's you in the flesh"

"well I know you would be here this time so I said I'll send myself instead of my spirit"

"I feel honored that you brought your flesh. How are you?" Paul asked hugging me.

We talked for a bit and then I spoke to everyone and found Harry standing up to greet me half heartedly. Ugh I just walk in the room and he already starting.

"What's up" I said to him simply

"Nothing....sit next to me" Harry said simply.

"It's good to see you guys still together"

"Barely". Harry trying to say it in a joking matter. How he said it was funny but I still don't like that he said it. I knew he meant that jokingly and literally.

"Damn " I just said simply in a shrugged/ defeated tone. Harry looked at me so he can see my reaction. I hate how he's trying to reprimand me in front of our friends. Everyone sees & thinks Harry is so perfect but nobody will know him like I know him & his shadeful sassy side of him.

" want something to drink ?" Adam another one of friends asked shocked & then jumping to be a good hostess at the same time.

"I know right I haven't been here for 10 secs & he already clouded the sun. The sun isn't going to shine no more in here"


"I know"

"The sun is never going to shine in here"

"that's what she gets" Harry said slick looking at me.

"Damn, for real ?"

"For real"

"Ok." I said .


"Adam when is Bri coming?"

"I don't know to be honest"

They went on to talk about something and then I took this time to have a side convo with Harry.

"What did I do?"

Harry rolled his eyes at me and then pulled out his phone.

"Come on, is this about the Vegas thing still"

"No.....I shouldn't even be mad you. You did cause this mess but I'm not mad. Or should I ?"


"we still together right"

"Hell yeah why you asking me that question "

"I'm just mad about how the Vegas thing blew up and that dickhead talking about how he was next you in the papers. That's what just got me mad that's all"

"Really his bum ass said something about me? " I said

"Yes love" Harry said sitting back then putting his hand on my thigh then being on his phone again. I then put my hand on top of his phone. I know he's looking at all of that still.

"Baby, we are still together, my name is still Y/n, i still have a vagina, I'm still your future baby mama, your crazy, your love, the grass is still green, the sky is still blue, an apple is still and apple. Jesus still sits high on his throne but looks low & is still soon to come, my eyes are still brown, yours is still emerald, tupac is still dead & shug night is never going to get out of jail. I still love you, im not going anywhere, you love me, you not going anywhere. We going to be together until the end" I said

"I shug night is  never getting out of jail.......I can't anymore with you" Harry said laughing at me & then tugging me towards him to kiss him.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"We good now?"

"Yes, just listen more to me please"

"I will"

"Good. I'm holding you to that. & by the way we are going home tonight. I lied. I was that mad at you to make you drive all the way down here. I'm going back next week"

"I'm going to hurt you"

"I'm driving us back don't be that mad"

"I should really punch you in the groin for making me drive all the way out here by myself "

"Get over it. When we leave go right to sleep. End of story"

"I should have known you would play me"

Harry Styles ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora