You Thought He Was Cheating On You

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Harry has been acting strange for the past 4 months. It was one two many red flags for your comfort. It lead to hiring a private investigator to keep a keen eye on him wherever he goes. You yourself couldn't believe it has came to this. You thought that there would never come a day where you believe Harry is cheating on you. The thought of it is so unreal. It even feels strange saying it because you could never imagine Harry doing that to you. You can't even believe you hired someone to stalk your boyfriend for proof to see if he's cheating on you.

You met up with your P.I & he gave you information about the mistress he's been seeing for the past 4 months you know of. He showed you photographs and everything whenever he was with her. It wasn't intimate but they we're having to many laughs, & him staring into each other eyes. It was to much for you to bare. You thanked the p.i for his service over the last 2 months. You decided to just think. The hurt was in your heart. Every hour alone you spent thinking the more broken your heart became. You let this charade go on for so long & you feel like a fool. You decided to go out to get boxes to put your things in. You came back to see Harry sitting down on the couch eating takeout.

"Hey love ! I brought you takeout" Harry said lovingly getting up to greet you with a kiss on the cheek. You just stayed quiet.

"What's with the boxes....babe what's wrong why are you so upset?" He asked concerned and grabbing you by the shoulders to keep you facing him. The tears were building up

"Harry, for the last 4 months you have been acting so strange & I know you have been lying to me about where you been and what you have been doing, I didn't even want to do this but I couldn't let it go, I had an p.i on you & I have photos of you being with the same girl at different hours of the day....if you didn't want to be with me anymore you could have just said that. I love you enough to want to see you happy & as mush as I'm dying inside right now knowing I can't make you happy anymore I'll let you go & be happy with someone els. I just want to know why you have me in your house pretending that your happy with me when clearly your not" You say fighting the tears you didn't want to fall but they did anyway.

"Baby you have it all wrong, I was with another lady but it's not what you think . I am NOT cheating on you. I would never do that to you, yes I did lie to you but that was only to keep you away from my surprise "Harry said trying to convince you.

"So another woman who looks like a goddess was helping you surprise me when you met at certain hotels, & buildings & private restaurants at godly and ungodly hours...." you asked sarcastically & looked at him in disgust you tried to brush pass him but Harry knocks out the boxes in your hand & then firmly grabbed your wrist and led you to his offices where he has his safe of important stuff.

"When you say it like that it sounds horrible but it's not what you think. For the last 4 months I was trying to find a ring that I want to propose to you with & I finally did.. The lady who I believe you have pics of me with is the lady who I bought the ring from. Her name is Gelaha Ronaldi, She is a private jewler of her family jewler business. They have mines & property of real diamonds in Africa. I bought your ring to be customized & made it as a set so it will come with my ring as well customized which YOU WILL place on my finger the day of our wedding. I was waiting to propose to you & suprise you with a holiday in Fiji & propose to you there. I swear" Harry says proving his point & showing you the box of where your rings lies

" you aren't cheating on me?" you said feeling relieved

"Absolutely not, I would never....please marry me don't leave me." Harry got out

"I'm so sorry Harry I thought you were cheating on me" you said with tears in your eyes

"Baby i understand I would do the same to you if this was the other way around....I love you more than anything in this world. I'm sorry for making you feel neglected at times I knew you were, for lying & coving it up in a bad way. I'm so sorry for making you feel hurt. I love you so much & I never meant for you to feel like I didn't want you. I do want you, I want you to be mine forever, I want you to have my last name, I want to care of you, have a family with you & everything. I just want you. Please allow me the honor to be your husband......Will you marry me?" Harry asked sweetly while bending down on one knee opening the box to show how beautiful & elegant your rings are.

"Yes....yes" You answered looking directly into his with your eyes full of happy tears. The biggest smile come across his face. He takes out one ring and places it on your finger. You grab him and kiss him forcefully & passionately.

"I love you" Harry says deeply staring into your eyes

"I love you" You said back & gave him a light kiss again.

"Harry, why do you have two rings for me one would have suffice." You said

"This is the ring I proposed with I was already going to give you, this ring right her is your wedding ring. I hope that in the future when we have a daughter & she grows up & the guy asked us for her hand in marriage & we like him, we give him that ring as our blessing. It could be a tradition like my dad has for Gemma. Plus I wanted to give you a different ring on your wedding day because I thought that's what you did. But when Geleha told me no it's not how it goes i didn't care I just wanted to be different & give you two rings. One engagement & then one for official. " Harry said simply

"Babe your too much sometimes" You said laughing and shaking because your so shocked

"I know but I don't care....babe were going to get married" Harry says making you happy

"Were getting married" you said with a huge smile & you hug him tightly and kiss him. You are really going to be Mr. & Mrs. Harry Styles soon.

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