Reversed part 5

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Another work day. I don't want to get up. Im so tired. My alarm was going off. So I went to turn it it off but it was Harry calling me.


"Good morning beautiful "

"Good morning......what's wrong ?"

"Nothing is wrong"

"Then why do you sound sad?"

"No reason. I just wanted to talk to you first thing in the morning"


"The tour will be ending soon. I was hoping I get to see you again."

"When does it end?"

"3 weeks from today, will you come to the last show?"

"I'll see if you can make it"

"I hope so. I'm planning & getting things together. I have to tell you a few things"


"About plans I want to make. I have good news."


"Things are going to start slowing down a bit. & im hoping we can spend time together. You know do everything we said we wanted to do."

"I'm good with that."

"So tell me what & how you want to do it. So I can get it going "

"I mean you can come when you can. I'm not going anywhere. "

"Good cause I don't want you to."

"I don't want to"

" are you going to work today?"

"Yeah....I'm dragging this morning"

"You went happy hour with your friend last night."

"You called me, making me go over my bed time."

"You missed me."

"You missed me first "

"You called me first"

"Why don't you call me first?"

"I never what your doing or if you will answer. Then like you have a billion numbers. So I just don't want to be a bothersome that's all"

"I want you to call more. I don't want communication between us to keep deflating then inflating. Even if I have a billion numbers call one of them I'll answer. I'm reachable"


"I just want you to know I'm reachable that's all . I want you to remember that"

"I will. Dully noted"

"Well I hear you have the shower running so I'm going to let you go and get ready for a great day at work. Promise to call me later?"

"Yes I promise Harry."

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