The Idea Of....

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Everything she does, everything she touches turns into gold. You ever have a great friend & wonder how your friendship ever began? Do you even remember the moment when you both just suddenly built a strong trust, a strong bond with each other?

I just know for my life I meet people everyday. But you know how you have a loyal bunch of people in your life & you think back to figure out how did they stick onto you? I'm kinda having that moment with everyone since it's the holiday time.

I'm having a moment thinking about Y/n. She's so bubbly, goofy & lovely of course. I just worry about her sometimes. She's a busy body.

"Someone get Y/n her tea is ready. I know she's on the phone. Get her off the phone right now. Break it if you have to" Gary's girlfriend Zara said.
Gary a close lad to me. He's family really. Our families go back to generations really.

"I'll do it....I'll be back" I yelled the first
Half & then I mumbled the last
Part to Cara. She's someone I'm getting on with lately. She's beautiful, nice & she's Fun to be around for a model.

"Ok" cara said to me.

I went to the rooftop to find her. Of course I find her there. It sounds like she was about end the call. I stood beside her and nudged her shoulder playfully. She did it right back playfully.
Finally she hung up.

"I'm in trouble with Zara aren't I "

"Well yeah but I get to deal with your first. Ms.hardworker-can't put her phone down.
We must not be important?"

"Harry get out our feelings right now, you know I would never"

"I know I'm just kidding. I came to get you off the phone and let you know your tea is ready"

"Ooh yay lets get some" she said excited and slowly started to walk back until she stopped in mid stride.

"Oh before I forget I just realized I left my present for you in my coat pocket. Here this is my present to you.....Merry it" she said with a smile excited to give me something. and she gave me a envelope. I began to open it. Y/n is always so thoughtful. She has the biggest heart.

"Reservations for the ritz Carlton In Bermuda" i say looking at it & I checked the date.

"I planned it because you know the break with the group. I got together with your assistant. I figure it's time for a holiday for you. So you know you can get away & relax. Plus maybe by then you & Cara will be a little more serious & want to go away together to get closer. Plus it's private as well, so yeah"

"Wow I don't even know what to say" I said shocked. Im really at lost for words.

"Merry Christmas. I thought you would be speechless" she said smiling & then hugged me.

"Thank you. I love my present but not as much as I love you"

"I love you too Harry. You are most welcome. You really deserve it" she said in our embrace & then we let go.

"Now enough of our sappy sentiments. It's tea time. " Y/n said pulling me along

Y/n's Pov

I just gave Harry my present for Christmas.
I'm happy he likes it. It's so hard to give a person of his caliber a present. Like what can you get a person who can literally get anything they want.

I love Christmas season. I love to give presents to my friends. I love spending time with them during the holidays. It's the best time of year.

We finally got back inside and I got my tea. We just ate dinner and played some fun games
& danced. It's been so much fun. However everyone is about to crash & enjoy a movie. I use to love that tradition we have. Watching 1 Christmas movie. We put our names in the hat and whoever's name came out will pick the movie. We would sit and have tea or hot coco & a bunch of deserts.

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