You Defend Him

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You were in the VIP area at a club in New York just hanging out with some old friends, since you were in town to see family. Everything was going good, you were talking and keeping a low profile. You and your friend just ordered a drink and there was people to the right of your friend standing ordering drinks. There was one drunk girl that noticed you & she was with two other guys.

"Heeyyyyy your Harry Styles girlfriend" the drunk girl says

"Harry Styles is gay" The one guy said who stood no more than 6'0 ft slim which brown hair & brown eyes.

"You no nothing about my boyfriend, keep his name out your mouth, you asshole" You said loud enough for him to hear

"Why are you defending him, you really look dumb out here defending him, you are way to pretty for that. " the same guy said

"Move the fuck on, who the fuck are you, mind your damn business & go." Your friend stepping in

"You right what do I know, you just a gold digging hoe just like the rest" The same guy said

You moved to get closer to his face with a drink in your hand.

"You don't know what the fuck you are talking about, you don't know me & I didn't start shit with you & you have no right to start shit with me, sweetie I'm the wrong one to fuck around with, keep my name and my man's name out your fucking mouth you pussy ass punk." You said angrily and you threw the drink in his face.

After you did that the guy started to try and shove you with his chest but your friend was gripping you and pushing you out the way from him. You both walked out & the guy was following you & your friends as you were leaving. You heard the guy shout "your a bitch" loudly but you kept moving. Your friends. You did turn back to look & you saw security roughly grab him & took him somewhere.

The next day at noon you caught a flight back home to LA to be with Harry. You didn't get a chance to tell him because due to time zone difference & he didn't pick up. You were sure that he already knew because once you turned your phone on once you landed, you got emails, and texts & voice mails from everyone. You didn't care you were just ready to be with Harry. You made your way to his house.

"What happened last night??" Harry said

"Hey are you....omg I missed you" you said sarcastically

"Tell me what happened, I woke up this morning by my publicist saying they were bombarded by videos & pictures of you getting into a fight with a man at a club & asking me do I know of anything of what's going on & if I want to give a statement. I'm not fucking joking tell me what happened...." Harry says angrily

"Harry all I was doing was minding my business & these group of people came over to the bar. This one drunk girl noticed who I was & she was like hey your Harry styles girlfriend & then the guys she was with, one of them called you gay, & I said back to him you don't know nothing about him keep his name out of your mouth.& he went on saying I'm dumb for defending you & I told him you don't know shit & then he was like I'm just a gold digging hoe like the I got up in his face & let him know I'm the wrong one to fuck with, I said again keep my name & my man's name out of your mouth & I threw my drink in his face. He was trying to shove me with his chest but my friend gripped me & we walked away. & that's what happened" you said

"First of all you have no business in getting into another mans face....Y/n if he would have seriously hurt you, I would have flown out there hunted him down & killed him. You don't ever get in another mans face again, you hear me. I'm livid that you did such a thing. Y/n I really do appreciate you for sticking up for me, don't get me wrong i really do appreciate just really pissed you got in his face. Don't ever do that again" Harry said while trying to calm down.

You didn't argue because he was right & you were in the wrong. You just put your head down for a moment. Harry then came over to you and brought your head to face his so he can kiss you gently. In between kisses he would say sweet nothings to you to remind you that you were none of those things that the guy said you were, & that he thanks you for defending him, & that your perfect.

"Can we just agree that you don't do any clubbing while I'm away, please, I can't & I don't trust anyone to be with you to be protecting you. Please for my sanity?" Harry asked

"Sure, I'll agree to that" you said knowing it will make him happy.

"Thank you" Harry said and then giving you a kiss.

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