You Go Through His Phone

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You where up before Harry like always. Harry forgot to put his phone on DND before he went to bed last night. You decided to be a good girlfriend and put it on for him because you didn't feel like hearing any noise. Harry's phone is forever going off & it can get really really annoying.

Harry I'm sorry for what I did to you. It was unprofessional & very out of line. I understand you have a girlfriend & I understand that I have to respect that. Please forgive me and I promise that it won't ever happen again. Xx Margret

In your mind you were thinking who the hell is Margret & second thought what the hell happened. It then hit you that her name did come up one time but Lou had brough it up. All signs and roads lead to Lou. So you can automatically assume she works for Lou, it's possible she is Lou's assistant or she's on her hair team. Now you needed to know the involvement of her & Harry. Now you have to admit you didn't put 100% of your trust into Harry. You might have somehow took advantage of an opportunity when his phone was unlocked & saved your fingerprint into his phone. So you took the liberty to go through some of his messages.

Margret had some flirty texts & to many lol smiley faces for your liking. Harry should have told her to cool it with this kind of stuff. The messages were old but why does he still have them is the question. When you looked through everything it was just a few other girls that sent flirty messages & he flirted back too. Flirting is only harmless when one person takes it too far. Flirting should not be done at all at any point of the relationship because that's your preference. But cheeky & charming are all apart of Harry's personality & Harry had proven himself loyal to you. But it is time to put a little boundary on that. You don't play that stuff.

After seeing everything you needed to see you decided to take his phone with you to the kitchen. You figure to cook breakfast and sit down and talk about because you and Harry do need to sit down and talk. This situation is not something you can brush underneath the rug. The idea to check what's floating around on the internet came to you as you were walking. Everything reporters say is not all rubbish, they have some truth because not every person on any artist team understands confidentiality in every sense of the word. People talk & talk to much. You used your phone to google Harry and low and behold there were pictures of mysterious blonde and everything. After you had enough of playing detective the only thing to do now is to interview the person of interest. You finally got started on
breakfast for the both of you. You figure feeding him will make the water cooler to walk on.

You were just done putting the food on the plate, turning the stove off & putting dishes in the sink. The smell of breakfast food woke up your curl headed person of interest.

"Good Morning love"'Harry says in his raspy morning voice while enjoying a long stretch of his long limbs
"Good morning....breakfast is ready let's sit and eat" you said bringing both plates to the table. You got the lemonade for yourself and orange juice to go alongside with your meal. You both sit and eat together in silence it wasn't awkward or anything but Harry read you once the food got into his system.

"Is there something a matter love"'Harry asked sincerely

"Things are ok...I do have to talk to you about something"'you said

"Is this having to do with anything on my phone or something" Harry says while pointing to his phone sitting on the table in front of him knowing he always leaves his phone on the charger sitting on the night stand.

"That and other stuff" you said simply. Harry finished his plate as you did. Harry takes both of the plates and places them into the sink. He comes back over to you and drinks some of his orange juice and sits back down I'm the seat next you.

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