He Deals With Jealous Friends.

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You and Harry were going out to dinner with a few of his friends in downtown London. Lately Harry has been feeling bad for not spending as much time as he use to with his friends due to work & any free time he gets he spends it with you or his family & that's it. Harry still stays in touch when he can with them but not as often as before.

You arrived exactly 10 minutes late to the dinner. His friends Brooke, Gavin, Jerry, Weston & Evie was already in attendance.

"Hello everyone, extremely sorry for my tardiness caught in God awful traffic along the way"Harry says greeting them & explaining our lateness.

"Hello all" you said. To everyone kindly & both of y'all took two seats reserved for you and Harry. You both skim through the menu & lock in your minds of what you want to order.

"How is everyone doing?" You said drumming up conversation with everyone.

"All things are well, how about you?" Evie says nicely. Brooke & Jerry started to answer you until you saw & heard Jerry mumble something rude under his breath making Brooke laugh. You have never been fond of those two. They always acted if the sun rises and set on their asses.You never liked how they would be a particular way whenever Harry would bring you long with him to hang out. But you put up with them because they are Harry's friends & you don't like to deal with immature people which is exactly what they are.

The waiter comes over to take drinks and orders. She leaves quickly and comes back with all of our drinks. Shortly our food had arrived & we sat and ate. You made small talk with Evie for a little bit.

"Evie I loved you article about urban vs contours fashion. It was brilliant" You said praising her article since she is a journalist. Evie has always been nice to you & you liked her as well too.

"Thank you so much I really appreciate that. It took forever to come together but it worked out" Evie says humbly

"What's the inspiration for your next piece?" You asked curiously & just keeping conversation.

"I'm not quite sure, right now I have specific stuff they give me to write about, ever since my article they took away my freedom, so I hope this phase passes over & if not I'll branch out on my own" Evie said

"Either way you choose I think you will be great" You said encouraging

"Thank you so much"Evie said

"How's the superstar doing nowadays?" Weston lead on to say as a joke. Harry contributed to converse with them. At some point Harry got lost in their conversation with the lads. They then hit him with if you were here or there you would know or would have seen this. Those statements alone you know bothers Harry a lot. Harry simply defends himself, & says he wasn't invited to those things anyway, or couldn't make it because he was working. Jerry insisted on saying that he stays busy to be away from them. Jerry was trying to pull Harry into having a conversation & you didn't feel like hearing.

"Jerry, what's this all about....Jerry I've explained things so many times to you & everyone els before." Harry says simply

"I get it I truly do, it's just I feel like you don't try" Jerry said

"I've tried before when time permits me & look at today, I made an effort to be here." Harry says

"I think that Jerry underlying meaning for this is to say ever since you've been in a relationship with y/n, no offense y/n you don't try to hang with us as much" Brooke says

"Jerry misses you" Weston says while laughing masking fun of Jerry

"Shut up Wes, I just wanted you to try & make time for us as well, since we were here first before y/n that's all. no offense to y/n" Jerry said

"You say no offense after you offend her, you are very rude Jer" Gavin said

"It's not rude, the truth is the truth, we were in his life first, & if she does mess up we won't hear the end of it." Jerry said

"Jerry I really don't appreciate how your acting & I definitely don't appreciate how you don't respect my girlfriend. The disrespect you display to her you are also displaying to me. I know I have been lacking on the communicate part but that gives you no right to disrespect my girlfriend.There is no need for you to be jealous of me being in a healthy relationship Jerry. You don't need to be this way every time I'm in a relationship. I really dislike when you do that." Harry says

"I never act a particular way & I'm not jealous of your relationship " Jerry said in his defense

"Oh fool your over protective of ole Harry Jerry just admit it" Weston said

"Am not, I was just saying what was on my mind" Jerry said

Our waiter came back to check on our table. Harry told the waiter to bring the check out for only you two. She quickly came back with the check, Harry just out a hundred out and told the waiter to keep the change as a tip. Harry got up first.

"I'm disgusted with all of you so therefore I'm ending this conversation & this night has come to an end for us."Harry said while giving you space to get up. He grabbed your hand and you walked out with Harry leading the way out.

You both were greeted with paps catching both of guys mean mugged faces. Harry pulls your hand tighter as a sign to move closer to his side & walk faster which you did. You both reach the car & get in. Harry drove off quickly out of sight of the paps.

"I'm very sorry about tonight" Harry says while placing his hand in your hand, while driving with the other.

"Don't be. Maybe I do hog you away from your friends on purpose" you said jokingly to make him smile, you hate when he's tense. He just smiles and your proud it worked

"You don't, I purposely choose to always spend my time with you, I love you & I dont want to be without you, them I can live without. " Harry said seriously

"I know you live & move by time...& I really appreciate how you love me & you put time with me & I never will take that for granted. I just want you to know that" You said softly

"Thank you for being everything I need. My love & my best friend" Harry said then taking your linked hands & kissing your hand lightly.

"I don't like being around them all the time for a reason. & this being one of them. I've put distance between them because at the moment we are all in different places in our lives. & I pretty much have an idea of what everyone is going through & I really want to be there for them but they make it hard for me to do so which makes me pull away. I can't be there for someone when they try to bring me down & try to hurt me by hurting someone I love. I'm not destroying myself while trying to help someone els when all along they were trying to destroy something good in my life because they don't have something good or they just don't want see me living good because that's not fair. ill never let anyone disrespect you. " Harry says seriously

"Thank you baby for defending me" you said seriously

"I'll always will. Your my love & I'm not letting anyone get in between that....understand?" Harry said

"Si, Entiendo perfectamente" You say in Spanish (I fully understand)

"Muy bien, Yo amo hermosa" Harry says back in Spanish (very well, I love you beautiful).

"Yo también te amo mi chico guapo" You said to Harry. (I love you too my handsome boy). You rub his hand gently & rode back to Harry's house in peaceful silence. Being in each other's presence was satisfying. Nothing needed to be said.

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