Your Pregnant pt 2

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Harry's Pov

I've been home for three days now. I was staying a few nights at Y/n's flat to make sure we get to spend quality time together. She has been acting so strange towards me last week. When I came home she barely wanted me to hug her or cuddle her. It was like she didn't to be touched by me at times and she's never like that. She's on the phone with Stacy a lot more than usual. It's just so much going on & i want to know what's bothering her.

Y/n gave me a key to her flat, I returned home to see Y/n sleep. I walked closely to her to examine her & it looked like she had been crying herself to sleep. Now I have had enough. I can't stand it when Y/n holds something back away from me. I am her boyfriend and it's my job to be there for her and provide everything to her & she's not letting me be everything she needs me to be for her. I get really upset about that because Y/n is so thoughtful, generous and selfless. She always puts her needs aside to support me & I'm not letting her doing that all the time. I want to be there for her the best way I can no matter how hectic & crazy my life can get.

I decided to see if I can wake her up by planting gentle kisses on her cheek, gladly it worked. Her eyes began to flutter open. I was greeted with blood shot red brown eyes. I let her sit herself up and then I grabbed her into my warm embrace. At first she wasn't embracing me back. But the next thing I knew she collapsed into my embrace & cried.

"Cupcake I can't make this better until you tell me what's wrong,......please just talk to me" I begged

She just remained silent. Her phone suddenly started ringing. I picked her phone up to see the called i.d & it was her mom calling her & I was about to answer it before Y/n snatched the phone out of my hands.

"What is wrong with you.....Why are you shutting people out & ignoring people's phone calls? " I asked getting frustrated

"I'm not ready, please just give me sometime & I promise you I will tell you." Y/n said through her sobs. I just let her cry it all out. I rubbed her back gently to calm her down. I used my other hand to whip away her tears. I sat closely to her so she can cuddle into my chest. I have never seen her like this before so upset, & hurt & I feel so powerless right now.

2 hours have passed by. I slipped out of y/n arms that were wrapped around my torso to go make her some tea. She has settled down & stopped crying. After I had finished making her tea I brought it over for her to drink. She took a sip of her tea and then she put her focus on me as if she was ready to talk to me.

"Harry I have something I have to tell you." She started off saying, & I'm really nervous because I have no idea on what she's going to say.

"Tell me sweetheart " I said simply and I grabbed her hand in mine for support.

"The reason I have been crying a lot is because I just found out that I am pregnant with your child" She finally mustered out to say

"Your pregnant?" I asked confused

" 6 weeks along" she says

I am so shocked right now. I can't believe I got my girlfriend pregnant. How did this even happen we have never had unprotected sex.

"Wow" was all I could say.

"A baby couldn't have came at the most inconvenient time in our lives" I said

"I know" Y/n said while whipping tears from her eyes

"You have been pregnant for a month now & why are you just now telling me?" I asked curiously

"I went to the doctors 2 weeks ago before you came home & he told me at the time I was 4 weeks along in the pregnancy" She said whipping tears away from her eyes.

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