He Sees You Without Make Up For The First Time

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You were running behind all thanks to work. Tonight you were going to a intimate dinner music session that John Legend was having with your boyfriend Harry. You and Harry have been together officially for 4 months now. You guys started out at close friends that always stayed in touch but then your feelings grew more intense for him. Little did you know at the time the feeling was neutral. Harry asked you to be his girlfriend while he was on tour in Peru. He was missing you like crazy while he was there & he just was brave enough to come forward about his feelings. You were so happy that he did & ever since then everything has been great between you both. Harry thought it was best to be public from the start because he doesn't believe in living in secret about his relationship, only personal things that happens stays between the two of you.

You had just finish showering, you put on your strapless bra and lace panties to match it. Your hair was in flexi rods hoping they will give you the romantic curls you are aiming for tonight's hair style. Suddenly the doorbell rung and you know it's Harry. You put your robe on & quickly rushed to answer the door.

"Hey I'm so sorry you have to see me like this, I'm rushing so we can be there on time, I was running behind do to work & everything all I have to do is lotion up, take these out my hair, quick touch of make up and slip my shirt & pains and shoes on and we will be out just give me 15 minutes" you say really fast while slowly walking away backwards

"Slow down love it's ok, take your time we will get there. your fine" Harry says assuring you it's ok.

You rushed back to the bathroom to hurry and finish getting ready. You just got done your make up & you took the rods out of your hair. You were happy that it turned out great. You styled your hair with the curls to make it look perfect. You were walking towards your bed where you had your outfit and everything laid out. You out your pants on first & then your strapless top.

"Want me to zip you?" Harry asked. You didn't even notice he was in the room

"Would you please?" you say. You then turn around while Harry zips you. You multitask and grab your neckless. Harry then helps you put that on too.

"You know before all of the clothes, and the make up...i just want you to know you are already beautiful. The fancy clothes and the make up are just accessories you can do without....you very beautiful." Harry said while clipping your neckless together. As he was saying that a smile crept onto your face. You melted a bit inside.

"You honestly think I'm beautiful?" you question while turning to meet him face to face.

"I honestly know without a shadow of a doubt you are beautiful." Harry says looking down into your eyes being that your shorter than him. He used his index finger and placed it underneath your chin.

"I want you to always remember that I'll always remind you of how beautiful you are & believe me when I tell you...agree?" Harry said

"Agreed" you said simply with a smile. He then leans down to kiss you sweetly.

"I've been waiting to do that all day today." Harry admits

"I have too." You say while blushing. Harry sees and chuckles a little.

"It's adorable to see you blush" Harry says

"I can't help it, I blush so easily" You say hiding your face into his chest

"It's ok, it's a beautiful sight to see" Harry says pulling your face out of his chest & then planting a kiss on your forehead.

"I just need to slip my shoes on & grab my purse & we can go" you said remembering you both are going out on a date.

He let's go of you so you can put your shoes on. You grab your purse, phone and keys then followed Harry out of the door to go enjoy your date.

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