10 Million to Freedom

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Guys you know I'm back and we have to talk about this. We have too. So I'm at work when I found out Zayn quit which was predictable like I said. Now here is the thing. Few things actually. First thing I want to say is I think everyone should show more love and support to the ones that STAYED & that's Harry, Liam, Niall & Louis. I feel like we should be right now encouraging them to keep moving forward. & I feel like we should celebrate them in anyway shape or form. I'm talking about if one sneezes celebrate it type creep shit. Cheers to the boys that is staying not just for the perks but because they have a genuine passion for music. I think it needs to be celebrated & encourage and continue to show the same support like before. We loved them before because of the music and should still love That's the first thing that I need to get off my chest .

Now Zayn.....I think Zayn must be the biggest mitch in the entire world right now. | bitch + man =mitch | . I'm straight out calling Zayn and mitch because at the end of the day this entire thing comes down to Zayn getting caught doing something he shouldn't because he's engaged to Perrie. He threw his own self out the group just for one person who is not his official wife. She probably not going to marry him.

Then the other problem and reason Zayn is mitch because he couldn't respectfully tell people or write his own letter to the fans. Zayn has no remorse. Zayn has no loyalty & that's the honest truth. And the number one problem I have with Zayn is how he dropped out of the tour. He could have just quit after the tour. He had no respect to Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis. For that everything and anything he stood for makes him now look like a mitch.

This really does sadden my heart because Zayn has an amazing voice. Even in the 4 years they have been together Zayn never got a chance to fully develop in his music & I would have be wonderful to see in the next project his writing & hear those emotions and basically tell his story in the music. But No.a & im so baffled because what is he going to do now. He might not have a chance to be a house husband? What's the point in going to school? & what he's going to work a 9-5 ? While his somewhat girlfriend is still in a band.? What about his family he's supporting can he maintain their lifestyle after 7 years? What's his career now? Zayn built his come up on this music at the end of the day. & now to say you want to live normal at 22 after being in the biggest band in the world? What type of shit is that?

And finally i like to say is I hope Perrie is worth all of this. I hope she was worth risking his livelyhood, his family & his gift for. Today is a sad day in music and it does feel like a funeral because a talented man had just threw away his future just for 1 person who might not marry him. But most importantly we should morn this because he just basically sold his soul for ransom. I hope Zayn does not make a penny off of the tour. Let him live off royalties, and album sales and that's it.

Most importantly I want to reiterate to everyone to support Niall, Harry, Louis & Liam. because through the Larry, the breakups of Danielle, Eleanor, Taylor Swift, Melissa, & everything those guys did not abandon you. They love you to the core and will stay with you as along as you guys make the same choice you did in 2010 & that's make them boys remain the greatest band ever. Go to the shows, send love and celebrate them for as long as you can. Zayn good luck to you in your endeavors & your "journey to normality" & if you get married good luck. & if Perrie ends up leaving you because once people see this is her fault and won't be able to bare the backlash no matter how hard she tries to make her band work because they are not selling let's be real. I hope you might come back or don't I don't know how I would feel but I think I'd say no don't come back lol. You will just make things worse for yourself.

Guys support Niall, Harry, Liam & Louis they are the real MVPS.

P.S no matter how harsh this sounds, reality sucks but I won't ever forget that Zayn & Niall were the reasons I feel in with their music. Thank you Zayn for the good you did do & all the good you did do that went unnoticed. That will always never ever be taken away from you. I wouldn't trade that for anything. I just wish you didn't trade us for ransom for something that might fail you. Already remember our ticket/album & merch buying that money that went to you didn't fail you. You failed us. & I accept your indirect management give apology. Our words was all we had.

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