Inside Joke

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One day you were laughing like crazy while you were on twitter. Everyone on your TL was tweeting about Kermit the frog pictures. All of them were shades at something or someone & then he would say but that's none of my business. You kept laughing & anything that's funny to you, you always share it with Harry.

Today you were with Harry at the airport & you guys were walking towards the terminal with Zayn & Liam. You and Harry was walking hand in hand while carrying your carry on for the plane ride. Airports makes you nervous sometimes. It's been a lot of frequent incidences that's been reported on the news & you don't want nothing bad happening to you or Harry & the boys. You and Harry was just looking around & being aware of your surroundings.

Harry wanted a cinnamon bun to eat while on the plane so we all stopped to get him one & you got one as well. So while you guys were getting napkins and straws you and Harry noticed this couple having an argument. the girlfriend was being nasty to the guy & he got nasty right back but she shut him up. You and Harry just happened to see that.

"But that's none of my business though" you & Harry said at the same time & you guys crack up laughing. You and Harry was bending over laughing hysterically. You could hardly breathe.

"Yo side piece is in control today but that's none of my business" you said & you and Harry are laughing. Harry's face was turning red & he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"What is soo funny?" Liam asked confused & wants to laugh to

You and Harry kept laughing & could not control yourselves.

"So we basically know who wears the pants in that relationship but that's none of my business" Harry said & you both died again laughing at how bad you guys were joking on them.

Zayn & Liam kept asking & you guys tried to pull it together but you couldn't. You guys finally settled down when y'all got on the plane. Harry shared the joke with them & Zayn could not control himself after Harry told him. Liam finally caught on & started busting up laughing.

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