Yeah Ok

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It was the last bit of the tour that I was able to ever come to be apart of so I can be with Harry. I am loving being with Harry & getting to catch up since we have been apart since we first made our relationship official . When I first got here with Harry we all traveled separately when we flew it would only just be me & Harry & sometimes Niall. But now we have been on the tour bus with everyone for the last three days. And right now I'm ready to take a gun and blow my brains out because everyone with the exception of Niall, Louis, Of course Harry, & the guards, they have been so annoying. Especially Liam all he's been doing is talking about his girlfriend & how bored he is & he's really been getting on my last nerve.

Now I'm more so introverted when I want to but where I'm from I had no other choice but to have a back bone and I don't mind giving Someone a piece of my mind from time to time whenever I see it's best fit. they have not been around me to really properly know me because Harry and I always take advantage of the time he has off and we be together just the two of us

Harry and I were just sitting in the couch & Liam & Louis was standing up in front of us.

"Settle down mate...its not that serious" Louis said to Liam. Harry and I have no idea what's happening but we see Liam turning bright pink being mad.

"Liam are you alright?"Harry asked

"People are really full of shit and so fucking annoying I swear" Liam said.

Harry had asked what happened & I'm sitting here praying he won't but he did because I really don't want to hear that shit right now. It's getting late & I just wanted to chill in peace with Harry. But no... Liam then told us what happened. It was nothing but a bunch of bullshit of him getting into it with someone who said something negative about his girlfriend & he responded. So he goes on & shows us the messages & what he wrote. And I just roll my eyes.

"Liam just get off of twitter put it away" Louis suggested

"Leave the negativity alone mate" Harry said

"I have the right to defend Sophia. If this was you and Y/n Harry or Louis with El you have the right to defend her. People have no right to talk about people we care about. & I'm sick of that shit" Liam said mad

"Your right now nobody said it was wrong to not defend them but you don't keep going back and forth with the person it's no need" Louis said

"Mhmm" I said nodding in agreement with Louis.

"Wait for just a second...don't get to comfy with mr.hazza you won't be around long" Liam said & now I'm confused I said nothing & Liam is coming for me.

"I didn't say anything Liam...i know your mad but you didn't need to take your anger out on me" I said

"Yeah calm down don't talk to her like that" Harry said offended as well as me

"You just sat right there saying "mhmm" (mocking me being extra) since you have been here you have had an attitude this entire time....i didn't ask you for your opinion & I wasn't talking to you" Liam said going off on me & now enough is enough

"Mate come on it's time to settle down " Louis said

"Liam you are a young adult your 21 arguing with a kid that knows no better. Your suppose to be above all of that & your the one that went to follow her & responded to her negativity. & here what we say in America we call what your doing right now is being a clown. Liam you are being a clown out here making a sissy fuss about this. You have millions of other fans trying to get notice by you but yet you stop to take the time to entertain negativity. now because you want to be negative you only make yourself look bad & now you have bad press. What Louis just said was true not every negative comment needs a response . & all I said was mhmm that was it" I said & Liam just walks to the back of the bus.

Liam is mumbling stuff under his breath mad I'm telling the truth.

"Like I said it's only a matter of are definitely not going to be around much longer " Liam said & he's just turning up on me

Harry looks at me & has his hand on my thigh.

"yeah ok." I said simply not going to add more fuel to my fire. I'm really over it.

Liam kept going on I just rolled my eyes & zoned him out. I just closed my eyes and imagines me getting off this bus & being in my comfy warm home.

"Why can't we all just get along..Jesus" Niall said entering the commotion

Harry leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Pay him no attention. He's just acting foolish" harry said & he kissed my cheek.

I just took a deep breathe & released it. & just nodded at him.

The next day Liam came to me to apologize. he did it in a sweet way by bring me a breakfast sandwich & Starbucks. I assume that we stopped while I was sleep. I forgave him because he didn't mean it & I know he didn't.

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