Chapter 13

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CRASH! The sound of a window breaking echoed through the house. "We have to get out of here NOW!" Derek shouted. "Dad, what's going on?!" Melissa yelled back as we all stood up from the couch. "No time to explain!" Derek said, "Run and hide in the woods by the big rock!" Derek ran off to where the parents had gone. "Do we listen?" Lucinda questioned. Gunshots started calling out. "We do now!" Aaron answered. We ran to go to the front door when we saw people in armor standing there, guns loaded and pointing at us. "Put your hands up and keep them there!" One of the people yelled. None of us knew what to do or who to trust. "We have to go out the back door!" Melissa whisper-yelled. "1...2...3...GO!" Why she yelled 'go' I don't know. It just gave away the fact we were running. The people started shooting at us. I heard a yelp from Kim and Melissa before feeling a sharp pain strike my side, making me groan and grip my side. I didn't stop running though. None of us did. Whoever was after us had not blocked the back door yet, so we escaped. As we were told, we went and hid at the big rock near our house in the forest. "What happened just now?" Aphmau questioned, shaking and teary-eyed. I was still gripping my side, hanging my head, making my hair cover my face. The pain was growing, and felt like my side was on fire. "Kim, are you okay!" Lucinda said loudly. "Y-yeah, I think so...My arm just really hurts," I hear gasps. I lift my head just enough to see Kim's arm with blood dripping down it. "They shot us..." Melissa said. "Melissa, what do you mean by 'us'?" Aaron asked shakingly. "They shot me too," Melissa said. At that point I had dropped my head again. I wasn't able to see where Melissa was shot, but it must have been bad because there were also gasps shared. "We need to find the parents, make sure they're ok! Was anybody else shot?" Aaron said urgently. "Zane..?" I hear Aphmau questioned softly, still sounding shaken. "Mmhm?" I hum, still in pain. "Did you get shot?" "I think?" "Ok so we have three people shot. We need to find our parents!" Aaron said, this time sounding more like he was about to take charge. "No need," my fathers voice said from behind Aaron. Derek, Rachel, and my mom were behind him. "What are we going to do? What's going on?" Melissa asked. "I know where we are going. Is anybody hurt?" Derek questioned. "Kim, Melissa and Zane got shot!" Aphmau said. "Ok, we'll get to the place then take care of that. Can everybody walk?" "I can," Kim said, standing up. "Me too," Melissa agreed. "I think," I said, trying to stand up. I could, but it hurt a lot. "Alright let's go!" Derek said. I don't remember how we got to the apartment, or how far it was. I felt like I was going to pass out. We had run into a few armed guards, but we were never seen. Garroth had to help me get up the last few flights of stairs. We opened the doors to a clean, big apartment. "Okay! First things first, wounds," Derke said, "Aaron there are medical kits in the closet over there. Grab two." Aaron followed the instructions, grabbing two and bringing them back to his father. "I'll help Zane. Rachel and Zianna, can you help Kim and Melissa?" Derek questioned. Taking my arm that was wrapped around Garroth for support, and putting it over his own shoulder. "Yes! Come on, honey. I'll patch you up," My mom said, putting her hand on Kim's back and walking into one of the bedrooms. Derek walked me into another bedroom with two beds, laying me down on one of the beds. "Zane, tell me how bad the wound hurts," Derek instructed me, taking off my shirt. "A lot!" I said as the fabric rubbed against my cut. Derek opened the medical kit, taking out gaus and a bandage wrap, and clean alcohol. "Sit up a bit. I need to clean and wrap this." I sat up as he wiped down where the bullet had wounded me, wrapping the bandages around my stomach. The bullet had gone all the way through me, not really hitting anything very important, but making me bleed a lot. After Derek was done wrapping me, he told me to lay down on the bed and not move. The wound was still stinging, and I really wanted to move, even though my mind knew that It would do nothing to help with the pain. "Hey, Zane?" Aphmau's voice questioned. "Yeah, Aph?" I responded. "I'll let you rest, but I just wanted to make sure you're ok," Aphmau said, slowly walking to my side. "I'm fine. Just in pain," I responded. "Yeah.." Aphmau said, obviously not knowing what else to say. "How are Kim andMelissa?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know how they were. "Kim's arm is fine, and she says it doesn't hurt that much. Melissa got shot in her shoulder and part of her chest. Same with you, she's still in pain," Aphmau explained. "Mmm," I hummed in a way of sympathy. "Well I'm gonna try and rest," I say. "Okay. I hope you feel better soon," Aphmau said, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind herself. I shut my eyes, wanting to sleep away the pain. I still don't know why we were attacked. Why my father and Derek were acting so weird. Did they know that we'd get attacked? Was it because of Aaron? Was it because of me? Well there is no way they can hide whatever is going on now. I wouldn't be surprised if they were telling everybody right now. I let myself slowly drift off, making the pain unnoticeable. 

Aphmau Starlight Rewritten (Zane Ro'Meave)Where stories live. Discover now