Eat | Fluff/Angst

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My phone vibrated, signaling I just received a message.

Hotsurfer ❤️
Hey beautiful!!

Sweet chili 😒🌶️
What do you want Maybank??

Hotsurfer ❤️
Just making sure you're sticking to our conversation from last night.

Sweet chili 😒🌶️
I'm doing well so don't be annoying, please...

Hotsurfer ❤️
Then what did you eat??

Sweet chili 😒🌶️
French fries and two coffee...

Hotsurfer ❤️
This aren't proper food though😬😬

Sweet chili 😒🌶️
Listen, I'm working. I'll eat a proper meal at dinner.

Hotsurfer ❤️
OK, I'll be eating with you. Luv U😍

I didn't even bother to protest. I just sighed and asked Kiara's father if I could go home now.

Like he promised, JJ arrived at around 8PM with some fast-food bags. "I already cooked, you dumbass." He smiled at me, quickly kissing my lips. "Love you too, sweet chili~."

We sat talking on the couch watching some funny show. I think it was 'The Middle' or something like that. Then my worst nightmare knocked at the door. Dinner.

I placed the two plates with crumble eggs and rice on the table and watch JJ grabbing some dessert for his fast-food bags. "I won't eat that, it's too much fat." He nodded, putting my part back in the bag.

"Eat..., go ahead. Just half of it. I won't force to eat more. I promise." I smiled, "I know you won't. You're to sweet to to do that."

"You see it wasn't that horrible. You surpass your fear of food. I'm proud of you sweet chili~", I nodded cuddling up in his arms.

"We should go to bed JJ."

JJ | Rafe - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now