My boy | Angst

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You were laid upside down on the couch. Around you, were maybe 30 other people, your age, walking around with red cups in hands. You sighed loudly while your best friend Katerina was bragging about her boyfriend. You were not really listening, you didn't really do boyfriends. It wasn't your thing.

It was around 4pm and your belly started protesting. 'Katerina. Do you hear that?' She stopped, looking around. 'My belly, it needs food. Oh, wait, it needs a McFlurry.' You stood up, patting your best friend's head to apologize for not being of good help.

'I aren't proposing you to come, you're on your new weird diet.' You grabbed your handbag, quickly putting some shoes on. You knew the owner of the house so you just stole the key of his car and walking through the living room, you walked past him and the boys. 'Going to McDonald's drive thru, anyone?', and as you imagined, Rafe stood up, leaving Kelce's side. 'Yeah, I'm coming. Aren't letting you around in my car. Give me those keys.' You simply rolled your eyes.

10 minutes later, you were behind the wheel. And your driving was giving Rafe a heart attack. But in the end, you finally arrived at the drive thru.

'I'd like two McFlurry, please. One with M&M's and the other, plain.' Rafe groaned, he hated when you babied him. 'If I wanted one, I would have asked for it. Stop doing stuff for me.' You scoffed. 'Like I'll listen to you. You always say the opposite of what you think.', 'How so?', 'Well instead of saying Thank you Y/N, that is very nice of you, you act like a dick. But it's fine, I know what you mean with time. I know you.'

You parked the car on the side of the road on your way back, for the two of you to eat at peace. It was silent for a long 3 minutes but it was usual between you two. First, you didn't like to talk for nothing, second of all, you tended to piss Rafe off everytime. So you just ate. At some point, you were half way through but Rafe had finished two minutes ago. You pointed your spoon at the boy, curious. 'How is it going?' Rafe's eyes went wide. 'What do you mean?' You smirked. 'Don't play dumb, boy?', you loved to baby him. You knew he liked it as well, in some sick ways you didn't want to mention but there was nothing more satisfying for you, 4 foot tall, babying your baby boy which was two or three times your size.

'I haven't used in four days. I didn't see Barry in 5. But-' he paused. He was worried, he didn't mean for you to know in the first place. You were just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. 'My mind is still messing with me. I was never sober this long so now, it's like my thoughts are being so loud. I don't think I can take it much more-', 'And what do you say about a little trip on mainland? Maybe you could meet Lily. No?', 'No. No psychiatrist. I aren't crazy. I just need... time.' You simply sighed but nodded. You wouldn't force it but you saw it in his eyes, in the way he picked at his nails, or by the way he kept dissociating at parties.

You did not really care anymore. You were right in front of Barry's RV, there was no turning back. As you approached the opened door, Barry greeted you but you passed right through him.

You found Rafe, balled up on the couch. You checked if he was breathing and felt relieved when you found out the boy was just asleep. You grabbed him and slowly helped him to your car, and when he was sitten with a basin on his lap, you shut the door. But you were not done. Nope you were not.

You knew Barry was not to blame. He needed money, that's all he thought about. So you decided to please that need. You sat in front of him with a thousand dollars in hand and he smirked, showing his gold tooth. 'You'll get a thousand every month if you never sell Rafe anything ever again. My parents are backing me up with this, so I assure you you'll get paid.' The man laughed, but you were too frustrated and angry to join in. 'You're in? Cause I can always just go back home with my money.' He was quick to protest and get his hands on it. 'Good with me, darling. Pleasure doing business with you.'

'Oh and before you decide to act smart. My father has dinner with Sheriff Shoupe every week, he knows important people. I really don't want you in prison, so don't make me. Alright?' There was some tense silence before you stood up. 'I'll know. I always do.'

'Dad? Can you help me get Rafe out of the car please?' Your father walked out the front door, quickly helping Rafe up. 'Get yourself together, son. Just gotta get you inside.'

Your parents were always very supportive of you and Rafe. They learnt, two years ago, about Rafe's relationship with his dad, Ward, and all the rest pretty soon after. It was not easy to miss when the boy basically lived under their roof.

When Rafe was finally showered and in bed. You got back down to your kitchen, joining in for lunch with your parents. 'I'm very worried for him sweetheart.'.

Your mom was very shocked about his stake. She always portrayed him as her son. You sighed before explaining you'd prefer to discuss the topic tonight. 'Did you talk to his dealer?', you nodded, 'He agreed.' With that your parents changed the topic and you could finally eat in peace, having been under a lot of stress for the past 3 days with Rafe drastic relapse.

'It will be okay, sweetheart. We'll get through this. There's no need to worry. We'll get him a psychiatrist, some medication will help. He'll get better.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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