Car Chase | Angst

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'Sorry, I'll be back in a minute. Got a call!', I walked away from my boss, quickly cleaning my hand off the engine grease. I shut the door behind me andand brought my phone to my ear.'Y/N's here, what's up?', I was answered with silence. I finally heard a sighed and a shy chuckle. 'Hey Y/N, how're you doing?' I hung up immediatly and walked in, rolling under the car I was previously working on.

An hour later, I was surprised to see my boss still here and calling for me. I stood up and faced him and a certain blondie. 'Hey Y/N.', I pinched the bridge of my nose. 'I'm sorry about that boss. I'll be quick.', I grabbed JJ by his arm and walked him out of the garage.

'Hey, I promise I'll be quick. You didn't leave me any other choice, you hung up on me like -', I punched him in the nose and heard some cheering. I turned around to meet John B and Kiara. 'Look guys, I'm busy. I don't have time for this.', I was about to leave but JJ grab my hand. 'We need your help.'

It was now nightime as I parked next to the Chateau. I slammed my door shut and silently walked in. Everyone went silent as I faced John B and JJ, both smirking at me. Sarah greeted me awkwardly like we knew each others for years which was never the case.

'So you need me? For what?', Kie sighed and joined my side. 'We need you to drive us.', my eyes widened and I chuckled nervously. 'You guys are assholes. I'm leaving!', 'No, no. Y/N listen. It's for a good cause.'

'We know you explozed the ranking at the underground races this year again. You're the best pilot on the island, we need you. It's for Pope.' I sighed and sat down.

'Okay. I drive you guys to Barry's. Wait for you to do your bussiness and get Pope's dad out. I drive you back to Heyward's houshold.', they all smiled, 'We can't be late okay, I'm racing at night right after. In Figure Eight.' Everyone nodded and I sat up before exiting the porch. 'Oh and I'm not driving the Twinkie. She's an wreck', 'Don't say that yound lady, she could hear you.', answered a worried JB.

I was waiting in a car I got from the garage right in front of Barry's trailer. If only he knew who was driving he'll kick my ass so bad. I worriedly looked in my wing mirror as I heard a grunt. Slowly but surely, the pogues appraoched with Heyward, Pope and JJ helping the poor old man walk. They all got in and as the last door slammed shut, Barry ran out of the trailer, limping.

And now I was driving wild followed by two motocross going through the all Cut trying my best to lose them. 'Okay, what do we do now?', 'YOU are not doing anything. You are terrible with planning escape, just wait. I got this!', I sped up just enough to curve and turned left on a dirt road. I stopped in the middle of the road looking back past Hayward pale face and Kiara worried face. 'What are you doing? Why did you stop?', John B asked worriedly. I went reverse and drove back in bushes hiding my best the car, quickly turning off the engines.

Now completly in the dark, we heard the motocross slow down and heaved right before the bushes. 'Where the hell those fuckers went?', I slammed my hand and JJ's mouth as he started whispering. 'They must be down the Cut. Call your brothers and keep looking.' and just like that their sound of their engines quickly disappear.

Minutes later, I was at Pope's where his mother was carefully cleaning her husband's wounds. 'Thank you Y/N.' I sighed. 'Don't thank me. AND never call me again, please!'
I walked out and upped in, driving to the garage and parking the car where it was supposed to be. I bashed the poor car back and walked to my babyboy, my old camaro. He was not perfect but I was a good driver and I like my car. As I approached the vehicule, I froze. I witnessed brown long hair on my passager seat and sighed. I sat in and closed the door so what carefully.

'Listen, I owned Pope! I had to Barry', he silently smoked the end of his blunt as I drove to Figure Eight. 'I told the boys it was a man behind the wheel, they won't question you.' My lungs let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. 'Next time we plan to be a bitch, you tell me first.', I nodded as I entered the crowd of teenagers and cars before letting the man next to me down, so he could do bussiness. But before he left, he squatted down to my open widow. 'You win this race and all the benefice goes straight to me tonight, you hear me?'
I bit my lip as he waited for me to nod submissively, which I did, cursing at JJ and his friends. 'Good, see you to the finish line.'

I won and didn't see a penny.

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