Landing Strip | Fluff/Angst

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I cleared my throat loudly while a all bunch of strangers were nervously waiting in that van. 'Can someone explain what is happening?' My question was met with silence until a brunette girl approached and freed my hands. 'I'll ask again, what do you want? Why did I just got kidnapped?', same answer : silence.

We arrived next to an air field and they parked hidden from the jets. A blond suddenly came to me with a dirty bag trying to put it on my head. 'What do you think you're doing dick head!', I headbutted the guy and the blond girl pushed me away from hot head. 'You're okay JJ?', I rolled my eyes, 'He's fine.'

'Listen. We're gonna put that bag on your head and use you as leverage. Don't speak and don't try to run away.', I chuckled. 'Not gonna happen. I can't shut it. You're asking to much.'
Apparently, I was the only one to think it was funny. They all seemed dead serious. 'Leverage to who? For what? I'm an 18 years old on three different jobs. I'm not valuable to anyone.' I smiled, proving my point. Sad but true. 'It's fine. You are, believe us.'

I walked completely blind for 5 minutes with someone holding and moving me around. It was hot. We were on the landing strip for sure. I could hardly see what I thought as a jet before I was stopped and forced down.

We waited for like a minute and suddenly I heard a voice. My eyes widened and I look up, still with the bag on. I was about to stand up but a hand pulled me down and another slapped on my mouth. I felt the itchy fabric on my mouth and an heavy silence followed.

'What are you doing here? You see I'm about to leave and you're like right in the way.' That arrogant tone, yeah I can't mistaken. I get what they meant by valuable now. 'You have my cross. I want it back.' that came from my right. He seemed angry, not surprising. 'Your cross?', 'Rafe, give it back.'

Rafe. He is not gonna like me being held back like that. Those assholes are stupid, I can't. I started silently laughing which drew the attention. 'You brought me a gift. That's thoughtful of you, but I work alone so I don't really see who could that be.'

That's when the fun disappeared, I felt a cold gun barrel to the back of my head. I dropped my smile and flinched when the sun hit my eyes as the bag was taken off my head. I looked back down to protect my eyes but the person behind me held my face up. 'You take your filthy hands off of her.'

That's nice. I stopped at the grocery store to buy beers and now I'm about to die on a landing strip right in front of the most arrogant huma being. Nothing to worry about.

'Rafe, I'm alright. Don't wo-', 'You shut the hell up!' I rolled my eyes, already having enough. 'Rafe, don't listen to them. Whatever they ask for. Don't give it to them.', a blond girl came at me and pulled my hair back. I gasped as she threw her hand on my mouth. 'Sarah! Don't be stupid. Let her go!' Rafe started to pick at his nails and he kept on switching between looking at me and the black guy in the front. 'Give us the cross.'

What are they even talking about?

Okay, this wasn't good. I felt it in my gut. Rafe was going to do something stupid, I could see it in his eyes. He was thinking, and Rafe thinking wasn't any good.

'Okay. You'll get your cross.' He took his phone out and called someone. Telling them to report his fly and send some help. He was really going to do it. That stupid prick was even dumber than what I remembered. Anyway, I was trying to appear scared and weak, at least the best I could act like it. I was starting to have enough, I don't like being held down, it makes me feel small and I don't like feeling small. I looked up at the dirty blond guy that was holding his gun to my temp.

'Y/N don't even think about it. I got this, don't do anything stupid.', Rafe screamed from where he was standing. The blond to my left immediately looked down at me and crossed eyes with me. He gulped hand slowly let go off my hair that he was previously pulling down. 'It's easy for you to say. You're not the one being held down, asshole. What's the meaning of this?' Rafe looked down and checked his phone. He's planning something, it's going to turn dangerous really quick. I have to find a way to get away from here.

Minutes passed by and I was starting to sweat heavily. I hate standing in the sun for too long. I looked around trying to find the safest way out when Rafe big plan's was going to come up. This boy is stupid, I repeat, stupid.

I suddenly heard motorcycles, lots of it. The group around me looked to our left and I stood up quickly running to the plane and hiding behind it. Those fuckers are all imbeciles. I tried to look what was going on, I saw Barry and some of his group fighting and Rafe was running my way. 'You're okay?', he put his hands on my face and checked on me. 'I'm fine, you big idiot.' I said jerking his hands off. 'What is going on? What cross is he speaking about?' He looked back to the fight, the group that abducted me were running away. 'I'll tell you everything, just get in the plane with me.'

And since I'm as stupid as that idiot, I did get in the plane. Judge me all you want I don't care at this point. 'I want a beer.'

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