The Car | Fluff

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It is way too late right now. Way too late. But your mind is still shaken up by your phone going off non-stop. You groan, roll around nearly falling out of bed before slowly going to grab your phone. You accept the facetime and you are suddenly assaulted by the bright screen of your screen. Your eyes slowly open up, meeting the face you know all about.

You know immediately something is wrong. His eyes are blood red, and he's picking at his nails. Rafe is looking right at you and you can vaguely hear Topper's voice. You sigh and he apologizes.

'What did you do?', 'The car. I crashed it.' He looks down at his feet as you jump out of bed. 'What the hell?! Are you guys okay?', you get a slow nod and now that you are relieved, you start to see red.

'You bloody arsehole, do you see the state you're in. For God Sake, your eyes are red and I can literally smell the alcohol from here. Are you kidding me right now? YOU CRASHED YOUR CAR!! You stupid twit.' you start renting, your british slang stepping in as you extorize all your anger. Then you suddenly connect the dots, 'You did not just bloody call me to help you out of this, right?' The look he gives you at that exact moment is worth all your bottled up anger. 'What can I do? Please help, I can't tell my dad, 'kay.'

You suddenly stop talking, quickly brainstorming. How to get that prat out of this?

'Okay, you listen to me you tosser. You better listen and do what I say or you're dealing with this alone? NO ONE can see you okay, hide if a car drives by. You turn all the lights off, and leave the keys in the driver's door.' He nodded as Topper joined in. 'Than you go by foot at mine while I do the same to your stupid car. Send me the location. NOW!' Topper does right while you are watching with the deepest glare you ever offered. 'I'll call your dad saying I crashed it after the party. I'm sober, I'll just say I lost control of the car.' Rafe suddenly looked up, and started thanking you over and over.

'Oh just piss off!', you yelled while putting your pants on. 'If your dad asks for any money you better pay me back immediately or I go straight to him. You hear me, you bloody knob head! I'll go, don't think for a second I won't!' you immediately hang up, running down the stairs and slamming the door shut behind you.

After running for a good 10 minutes straight, you see at the other end of the road a big black form. You recognize, when getting closer, Rafe's car. You get a look around, preparing for a thick and very complex explanation. You start to think. That brat. You take the phone out of your back pocket and take a deep deep breath. You start breathing short breaths, faking sobs and crying. You start recording, before calling Mr Cameron. It takes a couple rings and suddenly, someone picks up.

You let a few seconds of silence, breathing hard to make sure he notices something is wrong. 'Mr. Cameron?' you fake a sob and start physically crying. The man immediately answers, worried. 'I-I..', 'Take a breath sweetheart, you're fine.' It seems to be working, you "calm down". 'I was driving Rafe's car back at mine and-and... I lost control sir, I'm really sorry. I crashed it. I crashed your son's car. I am so so sorry. I never meant-', 'It's alright sweetheart. Are you okay? Where's Rafe?' You gulp loudly, to make it sound like you are trying to set your mind. 'I'm okay, but-but the car, sir, is-', 'That's fine. Rafe. Where is Rafe?' 'He's back at mine sir. But I can't join him. He's not picking up. He had to drive Topper's car because Topper wouldn't let me. He charged me to drive his. I'm very sorry sir.' And you start loudly sobbing.

After a few 'everything is okay sweetheart.', you are sitting on the hood of the car. Facetiming Rafe. 'He bought it, I recorded the call and sent it to you. YOU DO NOT PICK UP ANY OF YOUR FATHERS CALL BEFORE LISTENING TO OUR CALL FIRST.' The boy simply nods before thanking you and quickly hanging up.

You wait for about 10 minutes before you see Mr Cameron's car driving to you. You open up the passengers door, meeting the worried man on the phone with Rafe. He doesn't look angry, so you suppose Rafe did not screw up your plan. Yet. 'You sure you're okay?'

At around 11AM, you are dropped off at yours. And the first thing you see is your father at your doorstep, waiting eagerly.

'I prepared some Piña Colada and cereals. I wanna know everything!', you sigh, clearly tired of your dad's taste for teenagers drama. 'You know I love waking up to recorded calls at 4AM. Then getting called by Ward out of nowhere.'

You sat down and down your cocktail before groaning. 

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