Affection | Angst/Fluff

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"Can you let me go, please?? I can't even breath, you're crunching me. For real, you're so clingy.", I stepped away, surprised by the girl's harsh words. "But we-we are best friend. I thought it was okay with you.", she grabbed her bag walking to the door. She turned around smiling, "Nope, it's not. It's not okay with me anymore. See you tomorrow."

"Honey, Mommy is tired. Can you leave her alone?? You're very clingy nowadays. It's bothering Mommy, sweetheart.", I opened my mouth totally shock by her words. "Hmm- Yeah, yeah. Totally. I'm sorry.". She gently smiled, "It's okay, sweet pea."

"I can't anymore. I'm breaking up with you. You're so bothersome, for real. I can't breathe when you're around. You're so clingy, always following me. You're always stuck to me, I can't... . I'm sorry, see you around."

"Listen, I know we were friends at the beginning of the year but... I can't anymore. I was new at the time and you were nice to me but now I have friends and a boyfriend. I don't have time for your clingy ass anymore. See you."

"Who's that?? I never saw her before??", I pointed to a girl sat in front of us. Kie raised her shoulders, letting me know that she didn't have a single clue who she was.

"GUYS!!! I know, it's 'Icecube'.", I frowned not knowing what Pope was talking about. "No, for real. She changed so much since school. I thought she left for mainland. At least, I hope she warmed up a bit. For God sake, she was so cold to everyone back in school."

I suddenly felt memories hit me hard."Yes, 'Icecube'. Now I remember. She was nice.", they looked at me with wide eyes. "Nice? JJ did you drink to much. 'Cause NICE wouldn' t be the word I would have choose to describe her. She was so rude and cold. When someone had to talk to her, you could feel cold air in the class.", and he started laughing with JB.

I don't remember her being so mean. I  stood up and walked to her table. "Hey~, sorry to bother you but I kind of remembered we were in the same school. Do you want to... maybe hang out?"

She smirked, "You're not scared of me. That's a first," she chuckled letting her beautiful eyes closed, "but why not. Not like I have friends, so..."

"Why do you act like this? Do you hate people?", I smirked letting him know I didn't want to talk about it. He stood up and grabbed a beer. "It's fine, you don't have to talk about it. I just...wanted to know a bit more about you."

"Do the boys still calls me 'IceCube'?", he chuckled and nodded. I sighed and laughed with him. I felt his hand slowly brush mine and when I looked at him, I saw his redden cheeks that he was trying to hide, failing completly.

"Get away you're such an intention-seeker."

I suddenly pulled my hands to my tigh, away from his. "Why did you... pulled back? I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable!", "It's nothing like that. I just shouldn't touch you. Believe me Maybanks." He frowned, questions filling his eyes. There was a long silence, and I decided to jump out of the boat splashing JJ with cold water in the process.

"You bitch! You serious!", he started laughing, looking at me. I smiled, letting myself calmly float in the cold water. A simple brush hand-to-hand and I already craved his body warmth. I already wanted to bear hug him.

A few minutes later, warm hands grabbed my arms, letting me know JJ followed me. I closed my eyes, letting the feelings of JJ's warm hands and it's effect drown me down. "What are you thinking of?", it was a simple whisper to my ear but I smiled.

"Something", he seemed persistant, frowning. "I-I missed this." I looked at his hands, intertwining mine with his after standing up. "It's warm. I like it so much, I can't even take my hand away anymore." I smiled looking of our intertwin hands waiting for JJ to let go.

"What are you waiting for?!", I looked up at his eyes, waiting for an answer. He then looked back into my eyes, confused. "Why aren't you pulling away?" "Why would I?", my eyes widened. What was that reaction? "Because it's bothering you, isn't it?", I tried to take my hands away but his grip was stronger than I thought.

"It's not bothering me. I like it and I don't want to let go of your hands. Where's the problem, sweetheart?", he smiled at me.

"Let go, it's too hot. You're bothering me."

"E-Everyone left because of my clingy-ass and because of my constant lack of affection so I'm just assuming that I'm a bother.", my gaze slowly set on the water, now ashame of what I just said. "Is it the reason why you're cold to everyone?", he asked grabbing my waist pulling me closer as I nodded shyly.

"I'm clingy and jealous, also I'm a cuddler. I can't get that from my mother, my father or my friends. Can I, with you ?" I felt his arms slid around my waist, slowly pulling me in a hug. I nodded, agreeing his question. I felt his nose in my neck and his arms around my torso and it's warmth spreading and warming me up. "Can-can I hug you back, please?", "Of course."

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