Our Date 2

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"Yeah, what's up? It's 3 AM!", I picked up my phone to a stress Kiara on the verge of tears.

It's been some weeks since we came back from mainland and everything accelerated. Some Kooks saw us three in the ferry and confronted Rafe about it. He lied obviously but I can't hate him for that.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there in 15 minutes okay. Tell JB and Pope to leave him alone in the spare room.", I hung up quickly going to my car.

And since than, Rafe couldn't find a way to see us. I had two weeks full of work and extra-shift and JJ shut down on himself. He's having more and more nightmares and mental breakdowns.

"Hey, I'm here. Where is he?", Pope lead me to the spare room where I found the door locked. I placed my ear to the door and heard loud muffled sobs. "Hey, sweetpea. It's me. Would you open the door? It's just me. I promise I'm not mad at you, okay."

He became less and less confident and had some issues with the fact we had to hide our real relationship, that we had to hide Rafe from our friends.

I heard him walking to the door, grabbing the handle and freezing. "Hey, what's up with him?", I turned to JB and smashed my right hand on his mouth. I glared at my three friends and turned back to the door.

"I-I want to see him? I want u-us to be together like we were on the mainland?", I closed my eyes and breathed in trying to suck in my emotions. Because that's what I wanted too. Being apart was torture, it was heavy in my chest. My teary eyes opened to the crack of the door and I walked in, lowering to the mass sniffing in the dark.

"I-I'll call him okay. I think it's time for our friends to know.", his eyes widened and fear overpowered his deep sadness. "But-But what if they don't understand? I don't want them to hate us...", he started to break down again more violently than before.

I turned around to the three humans frozen in place. Incomprehension painted on their face. "Can someone get me my phone?", JB turned around followed by Pope while Kie squatted down to the floor and side hugged JJ who was shaking uncontrollably.

It took me some times to realize the situation. I felt a wave of embarrassment when reality hit me. Maybe Rafe wasn't ready, what if he's not available? I can't take care of JJ alone and... I need someone to take care of me as well.

JJ dived deeper into my neck as I held my phone to my ear, feeling his tears on my skin. There was a long silence and then he picked up. I heard a worried 'hi, dove', and I froze for a second. "Hey-Sorry, huh, I have a problem with JJ. I can't calm him down. I think he's having some sort of panic attack or something. He asked for you, many times. He needs you. We need you.", I heard him sighed and a broken voice answered me, "Where are you? I'll be on my way."

I smiled, "At the Chateau, there's JB, Pope and Kie. You're okay with it?". I felt JJ's grip tightened in fear but Kie was quick on calming him down. She didn't understand anything, the all situation was crazy. None of our friends knew who I was talking to, who JJ claimed or why we were crying like two 6 years-old. They just stood there, passing in front of the room, every minutes glacing our way to see if we were still alive.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared but I really miss the two of you right now as well. I think it's time. But I don't know if you stupid friend JB will let me in.", I chuckled and now we were waiting. I calmed down, patting JJ's blond hair. I felt his chest filling with air and his shoulders abruptly jumping because of his hiccups. After some times, we heard a car parked in the street. But JJ was just not feeling it, his breathing hitched again and I felt his nails dived in my arms a bit deeper. His face hidden in the crock of my neck, scared to face anyone else.

"You must be kidding me...", I heard JB and Pope disbelief and the words immediately attacked my heart. There was a few muttered cursing and suddenly he was at the door frame. Kiara let out a gasp as her eyes widened. "Hey, dove. How's my to princess doing?"

JJ | Rafe - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now